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Old 05-23-2010, 10:55 PM
adamcannon adamcannon is offline
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Default 18SF rebuild

I have started up on my rebuild again. With hunting season, work, and everything else that keeps us so busy in our day-to-day life, this rebuild has had a slow start. My brother-in-law is helping me with all the glass work and we did get the new stern laminated in place and ready to be glassed in. Here are some pics of the progress so far. Any input is very welcome.

Floor cut out

Console, Box Seat, and Infloor Livewell

Isn't She a Beauty

Boxes cut out

Very, Very rotten stern

Gas tank taken out

Floor cut out and stern wood grinded out

Freshly grinded stern

Gas tank out of tank and sanded to check for leaks

New stern(pinski board) laminated into place

Stern from back with seacraft crown intact

Bracket with platform


2004 Johnson 150 to shove it to the Hook at Cape Lookout

Well thats it for now. I still have a long way to go, but the end result will be worth the wait. I am really glad that I found such a sweet website to help me along the way. Again any input will be great.
1975 Seacraft 18SF w/2004 150hp Johnson 2-stroke on a 26" bracket
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Old 05-24-2010, 09:20 AM
uncleboo uncleboo is offline
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Default Re: 18SF rebuild

Lookin' good! Mine's in pretty good shape for now, but, it's nice to see the construction so I can plan for the future. I'll be following closely. Keep up the good work.
1975 SF18/ 2002 DF140
1972 15' MonArk/ 1972 Merc 50
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Old 05-25-2010, 03:11 PM
ReelToy ReelToy is offline
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Default Re: 18SF rebuild

Wow nice metal work on bracket.Did someone build it for you? Are you going to powder coat it? I had my Armstrong bracket powder coated years ago and it has held up great. T-top would also would look good powder coated though they might want it sandblasted if it's been in salt water. I just had my poling platform and leaning post powder coated in my 14'McKee that I use inshore it only cost $75.00 dollars.Alot of powder coaters are willing to drop the price if you are willing to wait until they have a large order to run in the color you want.
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Old 05-25-2010, 07:26 PM
makade makade is offline
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Default Re: 18SF rebuild

Looks like you'll have a beauty when your done, keep the pictures coming!
I got a question for you, I noticed in the back of your stringers you had some holes presumably for draining. Did you have any hoses or tubes running thru them, or wet foam? The reason I ask is I had something similar but not round and nothing running thru them. I ended up sealing mine as I figured bilge water would get in to them.
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Old 05-25-2010, 09:32 PM
adamcannon adamcannon is offline
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Default Re: 18SF rebuild

Wow nice metal work on bracket.Did someone build it for you? Are you going to powder coat it?
I had a guy build it from somewhere in the Florida pan handle. He did a pretty good job on the welding but the finish grinding left a little to be desired. I am going to need to clean it up a little with some 80grit. Over all a nice bracket and for $900 bucks couldnt beat the price. I am going to prime and awlgrip the same color white as the bottom will be. With the top of the platform with nonskid.
1975 Seacraft 18SF w/2004 150hp Johnson 2-stroke on a 26" bracket
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Old 05-25-2010, 09:40 PM
adamcannon adamcannon is offline
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Default Re: 18SF rebuild

I got a question for you, I noticed in the back of your stringers you had some holes presumably for draining. Did you have any hoses or tubes running thru them, or wet foam?
There were holes going thru the stringers in the back and also in the front. They had tubes running thur the holes but they didnt really waterproof between the tubes and the foam. The only water that I found in the foam was right around the holes. It wasnt bad at all. I am going to cap off the ends of the stringers with glass and then extend one side of the stringer to tie into the stern. I dont see the need to take the whole box stringer all the way back to the stern like it was.
1975 Seacraft 18SF w/2004 150hp Johnson 2-stroke on a 26" bracket
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Old 05-25-2010, 10:27 PM
makade makade is offline
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Default Re: 18SF rebuild

Hey thanks for the info, I'm gonna do a little more investigating on mine. Mine where more like a long oval with no tubes, never made any sense to me.
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Old 05-26-2010, 09:22 AM
Greno Greno is offline
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Default Re: 18SF rebuild

The strings on mine don't go all the way to the stern and do not appear to have been cut off because the foam is puddled in the bottom of the hull at the end of the stringers.
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Old 05-26-2010, 10:54 PM
adamcannon adamcannon is offline
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Default Re: 18SF rebuild

I am going to run the stringers back to the stern. It will just be one side of the box stringer. Most boats have the stringers tied in with the stern to add strength at the bottom of the stern to help with motor torque(or thats what I thought anyway). I am going to beef up the stern. I have never mounted a motor bracket so I am going to make sure the stern wont be the weak point. Probably over kill, but I just want to make sure.
1975 Seacraft 18SF w/2004 150hp Johnson 2-stroke on a 26" bracket
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Old 05-26-2010, 11:17 PM
adamcannon adamcannon is offline
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Default Re: 18SF rebuild

Well we got the stern caulked (corked if you are from down east NC) with putty to fill in any gaps around the edges and several layers of glass on the inside. Next will be faring and glassing the back side of the stern where the cutout was located. I have noticed that the outside of the stern is not completely flat. The center of the stern seems to be farther out than the sides and bottom, sort of like a convex mirror. Im not sure if this will pose a problem. We are going to hold the bracket up to the stern and see how tight it fits. If not the faring and glassing might be a little harder. I will get some more pics up soon. Keep the comments coming, I need all the input I can get. Thanks, Adam
1975 Seacraft 18SF w/2004 150hp Johnson 2-stroke on a 26" bracket
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