Well with Bushwackers help, SC knowledge and comparisons, year unknown at this time, however the features point to a Moesly. 8 stanchion bowrail, curved dash edge where it meets the plywood, double cabin door hinges and door hold back eyes, self bailers go straight through to transom, 4 stringer constructed. Anyone have info to discredit/question this info between the Moesly and the potter welcome. Going to try to follow back to last registered owners to see what i can find. All i can see on the capacity tag is Model# 20 CIO and Serial# 207 I have pics of all this info if anyones interested. Pretty excited to find a Moesly Seafari. She's worth some restoration for sure. It's not a 1978 as advertised we do know this. Thankfull for this site and all the helpful Seacrafters here, thankyou.