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Old 06-01-2012, 08:47 AM
evknot0127 evknot0127 is offline
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Default repower advice

I have a 1970 20' sf with the transom raised to 25". Currently I have a 2003 yamaha f115 hung off the back of it with just over 300 hours. The motor runs perfect and is like a tank, only thing is that I would like to have some more power and top end speed. What would be some good repower options? I was thinking a e-tec 130...would putting a 150 on the back be to heavy? Does anyone have a 20' with a e-tec 130 on the back to give me some performance #s? I have two batteries underneath the very front of my console and a brand new stainless below deck tank under console too. Any info or advice is appreciated!
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Old 06-01-2012, 10:09 AM
countshock countshock is offline
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e-tec 130 would be a good motor. I have a Zuke df140, which weighs about 420 lbs, on a 20" transom. I think the e-tec 150 weighs about the same as the zuke, but is supposed to be a really strong engine, some report that it is closer to 165 hp. I also have 2 batteries under the console. My boat is still self bailing, but I wouldn't want ANY more weight in the stern. The Yammie 150 is very close to 500 lbs, and would be too much weight in my opinion.
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Old 06-02-2012, 12:54 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by evknot0127 View Post
I have a 1970 20' sf with the transom raised to 25". Currently I have a 2003 yamaha f115 hung off the back of it with just over 300 hours. The motor runs perfect and is like a tank, only thing is that I would like to have some more power and top end speed. What would be some good repower options? I was thinking a e-tec 130...would putting a 150 on the back be to heavy? Does anyone have a 20' with a e-tec 130 on the back to give me some performance #s? I have two batteries underneath the very front of my console and a brand new stainless below deck tank under console too. Any info or advice is appreciated!
EV, I believe Skip & Carla's 19 Bowrider (which is a couple hundred lbs lighter than your CC) with a 115 E-Tec will run about 37 mph with an aluminum prop. I think fuel consumption on it would be similar to your f115. My experience is that with a good stainless prop, you can raise the motor 1 hole and pick up as much as 3 mph. The 130 should easily put you into the low 40's. The 150 is almost overkill for a 20 IMHO, unless you carry very heavy loads or like to cruise at 30-35 mph! It's a much heavier and more powerful motor that will burn more gas, but give you speeds in the very high 40's and let you cruise at 30 mph with less noise than your f115! Denny
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 06-02-2012, 03:14 PM
eggsuckindog eggsuckindog is offline
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I have a 20 with a 200 but the 130 Etec I think should be the choice all things considered
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive
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