Looking to restore/repair/replace deck and transom on my 1978 SeaCraft 18SF located in Key West. Boat is in excellent overall shape, but the deck was replaced about 10 yrs ago and was not sealed or glassed on the bottom, and now has major soft spots.
If transom needs to be replaced, is there a benefit in terms of ride to staying at 20in, or should I bring it up to 25in? Boat has a manual jack plate. After I re-powered from 1999 Johnson 150 to a new Etec 150, the transom seems to be having trouble with the weight, or more likely the power, of the new motor and is slightly bowing (curving) out. Slightly, but it's noticeable. The new motor is 20in, so if I bring the transom up, that will have to be addressed...
I saw Garrison Bight Marina in the background of some of trader's pics and wonder if anyone can recommend a boat builder or glass repair shop to perform this work in Key West/Lower Keys.
Thank you for your help.