I made my own. Used marine vinyl and blue foam. I used a electric knife to shape the foam. Used exterior plywood and gave it a good coating of epoxy resin on all surfaces. Used a mortise bit to make pockets for the SS hex head bolts and filled with epoxy/Cab to hold them in place. I was concerned that if I ever needed to remove the pads that the bolts would spin trying to remove the nuts if the bolts weren't secured, nor did I want to use screws by going in from under the gunnels. I sewed end panels on the pads to avoid the pointed corner look. I watched youtube on sewing and used my daughters sewing machine with a upholstery needle. Full disclosure, I have never even sewed a button before, let alone used a sewing machine. They are not perfect, plus I just got out of a shoulder replacement surgery and still was in the damn arm sling. But I'm pretty happy of the results and they are very comfortable leaning against jigging all day in some sloppy seas. And yes on the embroidery fading. I made a what I call a bolster across the dog house to fill the gap and seal along the transom. I added some cup holders and rod holders to add some functionality to it. I thought it would be cool to add a little splash of custom and had the boats name embroider'd on it. It has faded some. I keep it covered when not using the boat and it has stopped that. I saved a decent amount of money doing it myself,,,gregg