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Old 09-21-2013, 06:28 AM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Originally Posted by strick View Post
Hmmm.... I may have to switch from black to gray one of these days... Nice work Ole!!

Nah, you are one of those Cali free spirits, and have been to the "dark" side, there is no saving you now.

Yes, the whole Master Tech thing started as something else.
Took me a few tries, I can say it's not as easy as one would think, and not being a 40 hr a week practicing outboard tech does not help.
And at the ripe old age of 53 I had to work for this piece of paper.
It was pretty interesting, three young studs, plus myself in there and at the end of the day I was the only in there getting my picture taken with a $7000 T-Shirt.
Might have to frame the d--- shirt.

I made it though, and on to the next thing.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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Old 09-21-2013, 07:50 AM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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nice work on the cert!!! Congrats!
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Old 09-21-2013, 07:58 AM
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so you can teach old dogs??? there may be hope for me yet !!
Congrats Ole !!!
75 20 Master Angler 115 Mariner Tower of Power
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Old 09-21-2013, 09:10 AM
wattaway2 wattaway2 is offline
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Hats off to you ole. getting that and running the business at the same time is quite a accomplishment !
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Old 09-21-2013, 09:37 AM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Originally Posted by wattaway2 View Post
Hats off to you ole. getting that and running the business at the same time is quite a accomplishment !
Funny you mention that----.
Second time I took the test and didn't pass, the next time I left the phone in the car.
Back in the shop now dealing with shop life. This is the American dream? Mine is a little different, it has sand and Palm trees in it.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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Old 09-21-2013, 10:57 AM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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I feel a rant coming on....

Ole, I agree that an attitude of entitlement is a huge cultural problem, as is government regulation. Common sense has been thrown out the window.

Here's a non-partisan example:
When Jessica's Law was passed here in Florida, there were a number of amendments that the committee refused to hear in it's haste to be seen as proactive and responsive. The bill's sponsor, Charlie Dean, refused to even listen to me when I pointed out some of it's flaws beforehand. Afterward, when I spoke with him, he thought that putting in the requirement that no one guilty of "moral turpitude" may work with or around children would just keep sexual offenders out of our school system. I had said to Dean prior that if you mean to exclude sexual offenders and predators, just say that, instead of trying to sound high-falutin'. He didn't listen.

Because the problem is that the Constitution of Florida defines any felony activity or conviction as prima facie evidence of a person's "Moral Turpitude".

Don't get me wrong, for the most part, it's a good and necessary law. It needed to be passed. (My children both played with Jessica Lunsford the day before her disappearance).
But the Jessica Lunsford Act cost over 35,000 teachers and school administration and support personnel their jobs in Florida alone: not because they were pedophiles or dangerous to children or others, but because they had ANY kind of felony conviction in their history.
I had three teachers in my parish alone in Citrus County that lost their livelihood because of a youthful indiscretion. One had been convicted of felony check fraud at the age of 18 during a long period of unemployment; One convicted of possession of 2 ounces of marijuana at age 20 back in 1967; One convicted of assault for a bar fight at the age of 21.
All good teachers, all lost their jobs because Jessica's Law says that no one guilty of "moral turpitude" may work with or around children. Two of them were the sole support of their family and had children.

So what may these trained teachers do? One went to work as a cashier at JoAnn'e Fabrics for minimum wage; One became a tire installer at Tire's Plus for $10 hr.; and one is a Greeter at Walmart.

And I, too, lost my ability to work as an Adjunct Professor at any college that allows students younger than 18 to attend, because I, too, am an ex-felon, convicted at age 18 of a drug-related charge. So instead of supplementing my $22K per year church pay by teaching part-time for another $18-24K, I earn $8 per hour working at West Marine.

And I LIKE to work. I HATE taking from the government: never have, and hope I never will.

The point is that many who would work hard are either legally prevented, or legally discouraged, or just have given up and held out their hand to the government.

Okay. I feel better now. Thanks for letting me rant.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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Old 09-21-2013, 11:15 AM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Originally Posted by Fr. Frank View Post
I feel a rant coming on....

Ole, I agree that an attitude of entitlement is a huge cultural problem, as is government regulation. Common sense has been thrown out the window.

Here's a non-partisan example:
When Jessica's Law was passed here in Florida, there were a number of amendments that the committee refused to hear in it's haste to be seen as proactive and responsive. The bill's sponsor, Charlie Dean, refused to even listen to me when I pointed out some of it's flaws beforehand. Afterward, when I spoke with him, he thought that putting in the requirement that no one guilty of "moral turpitude" may work with or around children would just keep sexual offenders out of our school system. I had said to Dean prior that if you mean to exclude sexual offenders and predators, just say that, instead of trying to sound high-falutin'. He didn't listen.

Because the problem is that the Constitution of Florida defines any felony activity or conviction as prima facie evidence of a person's "Moral Turpitude".

Don't get me wrong, for the most part, it's a good and necessary law. It needed to be passed. (My children both played with Jessica Lunsford the day before her disappearance).
But the Jessica Lunsford Act cost over 35,000 teachers and school administration and support personnel their jobs in Florida alone: not because they were pedophiles or dangerous to children or others, but because they had ANY kind of felony conviction in their history.
I had three teachers in my parish alone in Citrus County that lost their livelihood because of a youthful indiscretion. One had been convicted of felony check fraud at the age of 18 during a long period of unemployment; One convicted of possession of 2 ounces of marijuana at age 20 back in 1967; One convicted of assault for a bar fight at the age of 21.
All good teachers, all lost their jobs because Jessica's Law says that no one guilty of "moral turpitude" may work with or around children. Two of them were the sole support of their family and had children.

So what may these trained teachers do? One went to work as a cashier at JoAnn'e Fabrics for minimum wage; One became a tire installer at Tire's Plus for $10 hr.; and one is a Greeter at Walmart.

And I, too, lost my ability to work as an Adjunct Professor at any college that allows students younger than 18 to attend, because I, too, am an ex-felon, convicted at age 18 of a drug-related charge. So instead of supplementing my $22K per year church pay by teaching part-time for another $18-24K, I earn $8 per hour working at West Marine.

And I LIKE to work. I HATE taking from the government: never have, and hope I never will.

The point is that many who would work hard are either legally prevented, or legally discouraged, or just have given up and held out their hand to the government.

Okay. I feel better now. Thanks for letting me rant.

Just a short response.
I did a little West Marine "time" right after I sobered up.
That employee discount helps you swallow the pay, IF you needs stuff for yur yatch----.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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Old 09-21-2013, 10:32 PM
Scampi 814 Scampi 814 is offline
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Interesting thread.
The problem finding good qualified help in the service industry has been deckaids in the making. We as parent guided our kids towards white collar, and professional careers. Go to collage we said. 20 or 25 years ago no self respecting parent would suggest that little Johnny become a greas monkey or butt crack Plummer. The schools shut down industrial arts and shop programs and used the money's to promote collage education for all. The kids with the talent to become tradesmen were shuffled in with all the others and those talents never nurchered, talents wasted. I applauded Mike Rowe for bringing attention to a serious problem in our country. All kids are not suited for collage, and we need talented kids for our trades. There is good income potential in the trades, but no one says how much. I have been in the auto repair industry for 50 years and today techs can make $65-100k. We can't fill vacancies because there is no one in training. We get very few applicants and its the same story, no tools, bad driving record, no coman sense, no experience, no car, etc etc. My only consolation is that I'm a short timer, will be outta here as soon as I find a replacement. Sound familiar?

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Old 09-22-2013, 12:50 AM
Mikem8560 Mikem8560 is offline
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Originally Posted by RUSTYNTABATHA View Post
My buddy that has the canvas shop complains about people he tries to get to help... he calls them board holders... because they are qulified to hold the other end of the board and thats it.....
if you do find someone good and train them , most go out on there own and compete

82 seacraft 20SF

Bayview Canvas
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Old 09-22-2013, 01:10 AM
Mikem8560 Mikem8560 is offline
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Originally Posted by Caymanboy View Post
I donno, Parker Yacht Duck Dynasty doesn't exactly roll right off the tongue.
neither does Parker Yacht Gator Dump,
Or Parker Yacht Manatee Filet and release.
ive often though we should have a " this old canvas" or " canvas wars "

82 seacraft 20SF

Bayview Canvas
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