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Old 11-16-2008, 03:50 PM
JohnB JohnB is offline
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Default Tell the SAMFC what you think about the Snapper/Gr

I have set up a comments site to get some traction and action from the SAMFC before the next meeting. The SAMFC has closed the grouper, and I mean ALL grouper down Jan 1st, and the are getting ready to do the same with Red Snapper for at least 6 months.

I know most of you can't make the public comment meetings that the SAMFC schedules on weekdays, and that makes it really hard for the average recreational fisherman to participate in the process. Well here is a chance to spend 5 minutes, and tell them what you think. Every comment will go to every council and staff member, and I will be submitting all the comments to our elected officials.

Enter your comments at

I have provided resources you can print or reference to help get the word out. Please feel free to use these, copy them, hand them out, whatever. Post this wherever you think concerned anglers will see it.

Printable form at
Web Link at
SAMFC/Snapper background at

The SAMFC is about to close the Red Snapper fishery

-> What: The SAMFC has closed ALL grouper fishing in the Atlantic starting Jan 1, 2009 for 4 months to ALL fisherman.

-> What’s Next: The SAMFC is about to close the Red Snapper fishery starting Jan 1, 2009 for 180 days, and has the authority to close it for a year.

-> What can you do? Go to and tell the SAMFC and your elected officials what you think. It will take less than 5 minutes.

-> Does it really matter? Public comments regarding this closure were key to the SAMFC tabling this closure at the last meeting. If access to this fishery is important to you, then it really does matter.

-> Is this really going to happen? Below is the text directly from the SAMFC web site, you read and decide. You can find more information on Red Snapper and the SAMFC at

“Earlier provisions to address overfishing for vermilion snapper and red snapper through the interim rule were removed and red snapper will be addressed by the Council during its November 30-December 5 meeting. An interim rule can only be used to address species undergoing overfishing and would be in effect for 180 days. The rule can be extended for an additional 186 days if necessary. Provisions of the interim rule with respect to federally permitted vessels for South Atlantic snapper grouper would apply regardless of where the fish are harvested (i.e., in state or federal waters). The Council’s intent is to have the interim rule effective by January 1, 2009”. <>
JohnB / 23' SeaCraft
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Old 11-16-2008, 05:09 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Default Re: Tell the SAMFC what you think about the Snapper/Gr

Well you can't blame Obama for this one cause the assessment's been planned for a few years...

At least you know the plan out there.
We've had many closures out west on ground fish stocks, rockfish (Sebastes spp.), ling cod and this year Salmon) but I've got to admit - anytime there has been a closure, stocks have rebounded.

What really sucks (the common practice here) is when they say "indefinitely closed" without science to back it. Down here we can't even use casting nets to make bait, so a local bait co has a monopoly on the bait barges and charges $40 a scoop for sardines or anchovies. Of course Sabikis are still legal, Thank God

I pay to fish rather than making money from fishing, so for me I just target other species. Since we can't sell sport caught fish, 1 nice fish is all I really need so after 1 per person is in the box I'll release tuna, dorado and yellowtail, regardless of the size. Local limits are 5 BTW, Mexican side allows 10 Dodos...

BTW, John, Nice links you've created to facilitate involvement
there's no such thing as normal anymore...
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Old 11-16-2008, 06:49 PM
Dilligaf Dilligaf is offline
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Default Re: Tell the SAMFC what you think about the Snapper/Gr

call me selfish but i could careless about regulations. if the govt regs a species im sure they arent doin it to be a pain, probably a good reason. there are plenty of other fish to catch. look at striped bass... almost went extinct went protected now they are back bigger and better then ever. one day when i have kids i want them to be able to fish too. i might be biased tho... love fishing but dont eat fish. only time i keep fish is when someone else wants the fish. i would release them all to get bigger to fight another day.
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Old 11-16-2008, 11:54 PM
JohnB JohnB is offline
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Default Re: Tell the SAMFC what you think about the Snapper/Gr

Thanks for the comments.

I am completly for fisheries management, and protecting the stock in question. The fisheries management system is broken here in the SAMFC. The science and system they use has been given a failing grade by a blue ribbon panel of scientist that did a peer review of it. It has been taken over by the PAC's and lobbiest.

This has less to do with the closures, and more to do with trying to get them to listen to the people that actually are on the water, and have a hands-on perspective.
JohnB / 23' SeaCraft
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Old 11-17-2008, 10:15 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Default Re: Tell the SAMFC what you think about the Snapper/Gr

Capt. Bill Taylor of the Black Dog fish pole bending co. was a speaker at the W.P.B. fishing club last month. Most charter guys have a glam species on their vanity plate. He has a Mutton Schnappah on his.I used to live bait with him back when he was pioneering the use of lobstah boats for drifting.

He never anchors up to avoid catching Grouper.
He`s for the closing of Grouper. I haven`t caught a legal Red Grouper in 7 years. The Goliath population has exploded as the exception and are ravenous. Most Schnappah are in fine shape, not so for the Reds. Look what happened when we closed the Swordfishery to the longliners. We are now seeing some 400 + #ers. Now they want in again.

Thanks in no small part to the net ban, I saw acres of bait dimpling in Tampa Bay. Love to see that here someday.

Much of this failure is due to a lack of understanding on all levels. We`ve all been venting undersized bottom fish in the wrong place. Capt. Bill Showed us a new technique and tool. The tool is simply a slightly wide hypo needle of about an inch or so that allows the release through the rear and you hear the news. I had always laid down the pec fin and vented there with a forward 45* angle. I never thought about NOT hearing the whoosh. You insert the tool just behind and slightly below the aft curve of the gill plate at an acute angle. Some local tackle shops are giving them away with your purchase of nuts and berries!

More later,
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