Ideas on replacing deckin front of 20MA console
I'm interested to hear how different owners have fixed their soft/rotten fore decks. I have a 1978 20 MA that I have been restoring over the last year. I have an issue with a soft fore-deck between the console seat and fish box. I'd rather not lift off the console and replace the whole deck, if I can perform a quality fix by simply cutting off the deck skin, digging out the rotted material and replace. I finished a complete transom rebuild this summer by cutting off the outside transom skin and re-cored with Pentex board and 17.75 bia-axial cloth. I raised the transom to 26" and it works perfect with my new 150 ETech. I was thinking to simply replace the deck exactly as I did the transom; cut off the deck skin 3" in from the channels, clean out the rotted material, lay in a full mat of 17.75 cloth, glue in 1/2" Pentex, layer of cloth and glue the skin back on. Then scarf the edges in, fair and paint. Any reason why this method won't work? Is there another method, other than full gut and rebuild that anyone would recommend? I appreciate any advice.