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Yep, Up in the Maritimes. I get to use the 'ol 21 with the twin Homelites for our whole 2-1/2 week season up here. Expect to replace em' in '24 with a couple of those fancy new E-tecs then.
Bert is don'in pretty well and has almost fully recovered from that Narwhale attack. That dang thing stuck him, with his horn, right in the private parts when he tried to cast net 'em. I tried to tell him to leave the dang thing alone and stick to club'in those seals with the white fur. You remember, he's one of them hard headed Swedes and you can't tell him noth'in. He lern't pretty good now though. I'm really look'in forward to the May Long Point gathering and meet'in all you tanned Floridians. They say they got some Bath'in Beauties down there. Ever seen one of them Sandy? I've never even seen a two piece bath'in suit except in the National Geographic magazines. |
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Bikinis? Optional at Peanut Island, but not so much at LP. My sister in the UK said Summah fell on a Thursday this year. Wearing a t and shorts. Cheers, GFS |
How much gas do I need to figure on buy'in to get you to run me to this Peanut Island? I might need to think about set'in a few more traps this Spring. I seen some Marmot tracks when i was running the line yesterday during the two hours of daylight we have here.
Perty shur dem krakas run on forust borned sprits cald shyn thay gits frum a cuzin
givs gas to so ya don hav ta by nun i got marmut sleepbag an a tint you got wudchuks but day stil sleapin up ther in the moos land so ya prolly sah a fatcat mak shur yer trapn liesuns iz fer nu yere cuz its nu yere my fish liesuns iz frum las yere and can git in trubal
there's no such thing as normal anymore... |
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Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes. Fr. Frank says: Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat! Currently without a SeaCraft ![]() (2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks '73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury |
Sorry Padre,
Just missing Spidercrab's Dixie phonetics ![]()
there's no such thing as normal anymore... |
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But the main reason for this thesis is to caution you, as a brother, not to get the "Man of the Cloth" (Padre Frank) tangled up in these discussions. He's busy doing Gods work and he ain't got time to wade around in no 2 stroke / 4 stroke arguments with us knuckleheads! My suggestion to you, at this point, is that you better get to church and get prayed up and paid up because if I understand it correctly you ain't even running a 2 stroke OR a 4 stroke outboard. You runnin and Chevy Nova makin' two 90 degree turns through a word that puts more fear in any mariner than the word "Kraken". I don't even want to type it for fear of the bad luck it brings just mentioning it. The word is [{(< Gimbal Bearing >)}]. You need to get right brother and you need to get right soon - especially if you are running the aforementioned!!!! And when you go to the Blessing of the Fleet you better make two passes. |
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I am fluent in Southern Cracker, Vt. and N.H. woodchuck, and Bert and I. Once you go to the northeast kingdom, all bets are off. In any of the threee. Don`t worry about the good Father. He`s a Merc. guy and equally versed on all things 2 stroke, 4 stroke, diesel, and I would imagine future fuel? |
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I've found that the only thing worse than confusing a Florida Cracker with a Georgia Cracker is to confuse a Cuban with a Puerto Rican or a 4 stroker with a 50 to 1er. In all three cases, "them are fight'in words". |
Sandy, I got a couple of them gift cards for Christmas and I'm think'in it might be easier to up-grade me than my Sea Craft, 'cause it's one of those really old Mosley's and it don't even have a boot stripe to worry about "whether I should use use tape or paint it on". (We got one of these guys on here talking about what color stitching he should have in his fender covers and another one wonder'in if he should paint a stripe on his truck to match to match his Tohatsu....!) Anyway gitt'in back to the main gist of this dissertation, I was wonder'in if I need to go out and buy one of those Col-umb-ia shirts wif all the pockets, epaulets, and ratchet straps already sowed on 'em? Looks like if you filled everything all up with stuff you'd resemble a Dung Beetle or somethin'. Did 'ya ever notice how them 4 stroke guys always got two or three pairs of sunglasses close by? They wear 'em on top of their hat, on top of their head, on the back of their head, and several around their neck festooned on all kinds of lanyards, halyards and leaders. I noticed most of 'em got real beady eyes and there usually set real close together too, so like them Matrix guys they got to always keep 'em covered up, and that's one of the reasons you see them wearin' those shirts all the time, 'cause they can stow away another dozen pairs or so. OK, so not to get off on that old 2 stroke / 4 stroke argument and stayin' focused like a laser beam on the topic at hand - "Should I get a Mauve colored one or just a white on which is $2.39 less and just throw it in my bilge wif some Purple Stuff and let it slosh around for a week or so?" I'm think'in it would look pretty dang snappy go'in along with them white boots and cut off coveralls I usually wear. I just want to creep up to the cutt'in edge of FASHION without crash'in through the guardrail of the learn'in curve and I know you know about that kind of stuff. Can 'ya help a brother out?
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