Re: New to site, questions about Seafari
Gotcha. I didn't realize the step down was in the helm area as well.
Re: New to site, questions about Seafari
yea the step is original and i agree that it would be better used as storage space, so i did just that... here is a pic of it http://www.theboatzone.com/gallery/album25/DSCF0363
this cabin door i have is a 2 piece so i switched the hindges around so they swing out and now they will fit flush up against that storage. when its painted it will look like it was made at the factory!! it can be done the way i did it, or the easy way. the easy way would be to cut 2 pieces of starboard and use one as the divider and the other as the top. just screw in mounting points in each corner and some peice for the top to rest on and youll be good to go. the way i did it youll see that the hatch itself is parallel, but does not line up with the cabin sides so it looks real trick. also if your wondering the other false bulkhead in the pic with the 3 cut outs is where the batterys will go, the middle cutout is for the switch and the sides are for ventilation (i just wrote more in this than i have in english class all year..) Ben
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