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Old 06-27-2012, 04:10 PM
eggsuckindog eggsuckindog is offline
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my scuppers will bring water in, they are thru the hull but they do, quite a bit. They won't with nobody in the boat but the amount of fuel has a bearing as well. The transom scuppers should be helped with the ball scuppers Bushwhacker mentioned and should about eliminate it. Not sure on the weight of the 150 but my Merc comes in at 410/415 but it should be similar, anything over 1/2 tank of fuel makes a difference as does the baitwell but mine is a Master Angler with it at the transom too. I keep plugs in them most of the time, especially if I have 3/4 tank with 2 of us wandering around back there they are little geysers.

I have the recessed well back there and have the plug out to drain into the bilge, if 1 or 2 of us stand back there any length of time it will drain some in and kick my pumps on but thats fine - I know they are working, I like that.

I think most boats of any age get soft spots around the seats and/or console - I fixed a couple small areas drilling 1/4" holes and using Git Rot, doesn't sound like their too bad but need a bit of attention

If you guys are comparing 23's its a whole nuther world, we have the same weight with V6's as you do
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive

Last edited by eggsuckindog; 06-27-2012 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 06-27-2012, 04:26 PM
eggsuckindog eggsuckindog is offline
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Originally Posted by hp02043 View Post
Just test drove an 89 20" SeaCraft (tracker?)
Water came in the scuppers when we were at the
Dock. Drained when the boat was pulled on trailer but
What if we are planning on mooring? Will it drain and
What about rainwater draining? Also 2 soft spots
Next to where the seat was. Nothing is there now they
Are mounting a leaning post for us. Thoughts?
If you are standing there looking at them they will let water in - standing on the dock looking at them ?? MIne will drain with nobody in the boat no problem, my splashwell drains have flappers and get really no water in there - hence my comment earlier about Bush's idea of ping pong ball scuppers - they would be needed. it should drain no problem with nobody in the boat as somebody else mentioned also.

Putting it on a trailer - as soon as it contacts the trailer you are pushing the stern down, the further up it goes the further the transom is pushed down - steeper the ramp worse it is. On a very low tide at one steep ramp I go to I can get water coming over the transom when its cranked up all the way. Most ramps and most tides that doesn't happen but it should would be pouring in the scuppers - not a good indicator
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive

Last edited by eggsuckindog; 06-27-2012 at 04:33 PM.
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Old 08-26-2012, 10:36 PM
Iriekiley Iriekiley is offline
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Hey all, Im new to the forum and in the process of restoring a 20SF of the 1974 vintage. It this point the transom has been raised to 25" and i just had ping pong style scuppers installed into the deck where the old vertical scuppers were. I'm trying to decide on the best location for the new stainless thru hulls on the back? There is not much angle for water to self drain if i put them right on the water it completely wrong to put them below water? My obvious main concern is that the boat will self bail at rest with nobody around..if it monsoons. Any ideas would be great! Thanks!
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