Insofaras where he is on the Suwannee, I can tell you that the old railroad bridge is a mile or two from Fanning Springs. Where he is boating is fairly safe. When you get north of Branford the river can be tretcherous, especially if the water is down. Been boating on the river all my life, planning a trip as I type. Parents live in Suwannee, where you stay Blue?
Passed right by there this weekend. Saw EggSuckingDog tied to the dock behind the Gables. Good to see your still kicking, hope you got the powerhead sorted out.. Good turnout of go-fasts. Dixon was the only Seacraft in sight this time and I was keeping an eye out for you Blue on the off chance...
I didn't make it to the water this past weekend. We had a wedding to attend and prior to that I did some work on a friend's newly acquired 23 Center Console. It had motor issues, but I think we've got them sorted out. Probably be on the river this weekend.
BTW, you have the location right. The train trestle crosses the river near Old Town. Dave
Blue Heron Boat Works Reinventing the wheel, one spoke at a time. |