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![]() And more importantly sinking our SeaCrafts! |
Please elucidate, because I do not know.
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Let's go get the boat! Nobody saved it.
__________________________________________________ ________________ 1974 23SF |
It depends on the reason it took on water but a lot has to go wrong before a boat gets that low in the water. Once one has gotten to that point the options are to remove as much weight (including people) as possible and work to clear the deck and bilge. Any water you can get out while water is not coming over the transom is a gain and can help the situation going in the right direction.
About 25 years ago myself and 2 other young men cleared an inshore shrimp boat that was swamped to the gunnels with buckets. It took a few hours before it was stable enough to let the pumps finish clearing the hull but we saved the boat. At first it seemed pretty hopeless but by cutting the trawl loose and stuffing the scuppers with rags we were able to bucket the deck first and then slowly bucket water from the cabin and engine hole. With assistance from another boat towing from the bow ring on this SeaCraft the right person could of cleared this swamp in the state it was in. Without assistance it would have been tough but it looked doable once they got the people off. If a person hung on the bow enough to keep the transom edge above water some bailing could of occurred. The real key would have been to start before it got to where it was. My guess on this one is the plug was out and it wasn't noticed until water started over the transom. By that time the one or both on board was in full panic.
[b]The Moose is Loose ! |
FishStretcher posted that it's vineyard sound side of quicks hole. Looks that way from the Video. It's hard for me to believe the Coast Guard would let that boat bob around for very long on 4th of July weekend. Menempsha and Woods Hole stations are pretty close by.
To flesh this out a bit- I thought the call was a prank at first as I didn't think anyone would act that way on VHF. Like the buffoons who had that video a while back of the mola mola/ ocean sunfish. "What IS that thing, buddy? It's wicked huge- It must be a whale!!!" Those guys.
That's about what it sounded like. I suspect they didn't lose a plug, as quick's is ~perhaps 5-6 miles from anywhere you can put in. But it is a very heavily traveled passage thru the Elizabeth Islands. |
For the record, I was in the Vineyard Sound today. I forgot how smooth it is compared to Buzzard's Bay. I got my butt kicked this afternoon in Buzzards. 9.5 knots home into a chop. I had to wear swim goggles. My feet went numb. I think the chop was 6 feet apart on top of swells.
An 18' SeaCraft will float with the bilge completely full and the scuppers plugged. With that level of inexperience, I say they forgot the drain plug.
" I'm the one thats got to die when its time for me to die; so let me live my life, the way I want to". J. M. Hendrix |
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You are correct. There was plenty of freeboard. If he had replaced the plug he could have bailed with a bucket. If he didn't have a bucket he could have bailed with the cooler. If he didn't have a transom plug he could have used a piece of cloth as a substitute. He could have motored back to shore to initiate self bailing. Maybe the batteries were rendered inoperable by the water and the engine wouldn't start. Maybe the engine was swamped and ingested water. As to the low transom, would this preclude bailing? I think that's a teenage girl. For me the worst part of a scenario like this is the hysterics, the inability of people to listen and obey. Not necessarily the case here. Whenever I assist another, whether on land or sea, I always wonder if they are the kind of people who would come to another's aid. Most of the time I get the sense that they wouldn't. I spent an hour helping a guy, his pal, and his 10 year old son start his truck in the mountains on a Sunday afternoon. Figured out how to hot wire it. Totally saved his bacon. The guy barely said thank you. A friend of mine is more likely to need assistance than most and least likely to assist someone. It disturbs me greatly. |
That is the world we live in today, most people are self centered and dont care about anyone else. But I am glad we still have some good samaritans left in the world, I try to be one as well. The world is a better place when people remember the motto, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Glad no one lost their lives in this situation. I take my 71 year old mother out for boat rides sometimes, and I often think if she fell over board for any reason I think she would drown. I told her she needs to get a nice life jacket that is comfortable and wear it all the time when on the water, you never know when something might go wrong, at least these people were wearing life jackets, they may have done everything else wrong but they did do that. |
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