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Old 03-05-2019, 11:26 PM
ABillC ABillC is offline
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Posts: 17
Default A few more words about my 1977 SeaCraft 23 Center Console project.

For many of us, owning a Potter SeaCraft 23 CC is neither our first boat, or our only boat, and for a few, it is not their largest boat. We own these boats because we know they will take us out and get us back home, safety, in style and most often, well ahead of the crowd…. Just restating the obvious in this forum.

During this project, several onlookers have said, “Bill, you are selling this boat and it is not even finished”. My reply “Yes, purposely so!”. My idea with this boat is to provide a SeaCraft 23 center console as a blank pallet ready to be customized by the new owner. By the time someone is in a position to look for a 23 SeaCraft, they know what they want, and most importantly, what they don’t want!

How many times have we found the boat of dreams and then say, while it may be a nice boat, it has twin small gray engines and I want a big single white engine, and what were they thinking when they installed that ugly T-Top, those electronics are ancient, and look at that deck/gunnel/console, it is so full of screw holes it looks like Swiss Cheese? Sound familiar? This boat provides a solution. All the hard work is done, add what you want.

As example, with a price point in the mid-twenties, a new owner can rig a new large single (e.g. 250HP) quickly, easily and likely stay under $45 - $50K. Albeit a basic rig, you can be out fishing in about a month. Add a T-top, electronics or anything else later. Try to match a SeaCraft 23 Center Console capabilities with new power with anything close and you need to think six figures plus!

Bottom Line: Stay in the mid-20s and take home a very nice SeaCraft 23 CC.

Tight Lines,
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Old 03-06-2019, 12:34 AM
Ryan Ryan is offline
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So the deck is original? And the tank I assume is new?
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Old 03-06-2019, 11:36 AM
ABillC ABillC is offline
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Default Deck / Tank Clarification


Yes, no, some new floor, some replaced floor and no new tank.

I will address your question in turn, by area, below.

1) New Deck over old engine compartment. The area, approximately 3' x 5' over the old engine compartment has all new floor. No hatches yet. It is as open as a corn field back there. Place opening hatch(s) were ever you want.

2) Re-cored center-line hatches below the console/over the fuel tank. The 36" x 48" hatch below the console and over the after end of the fuel tank, plus the two 36"x36" (+/-) hatches below the console and over the forward fish box, respectively, have all be re-cored.

3) The forward step-up and hatch are original and good.

4) The Starboard floor/deck outboard or the starboard stringer to the gunnel is original and good.

5a) Port floor/deck outboard of the port stringer to the gunnel, from midship to step-up is original and good.

5b) Port floor/deck outboard of the port stringer to the gunnel, aft of the console to the rear bulkhead has been replaced with new floor.

6) Both port and starboard gunnel decks are original and good. See photos

7) Fuel Tank has not been replaced by me. I am unable to contact the original owner (may no longer be with us) to determine if he did. The tank is being pressure tested. None of the hatches have been beded with silicone yet, so as to allow easy access to the fuel tank.

8) All areas of the deck and top cap gunnels have been sanded, primed and painted with new sand paint (Awlcraft 2000 Oyster White). Please see the bow-to-aft photo.

9) No holes have been drilled in the the new deck - I just can't bring my self to do that !

I will take the action to find some in-process photos and post them in a subsequent post.

Hope this helps and clarifies ....

- ABillC
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Old 03-10-2019, 11:09 AM
ABillC ABillC is offline
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Default Port side and engine box deck repair

Please see photo showing port side deck and engine area repair in progress
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Old 05-22-2019, 10:16 PM
ABillC ABillC is offline
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Default Stunning new photos of my restored 1977 SeaCraft 23 CC

Stunning new photos of my restored 1977 SeaCraft 23 CC

I would like start off thanking the over 1500 folks who have viewed the original posting and of course the team who makes the “Classic SeaCraft” website possible. Thank you all!

Below are the first set photos you all have been waiting for… a beautifully restored 1977 Potter built 23’ Center Console ready to be customized for a new owner. I have just a few more odds to finish up, but wanted to get these posted as soon as possible.

So you say “But Bill, there is still no engine, controls or steering on the boat... what gives?”

Yes, you are correct, just tell me what engine you want… I can have it mounted and rigged it in about a week or two and you can splash it shortly thereafter….

You want a Mercury, No Problem… The SeaCraft is at Marine Mart, a mercury dealer for nearly 50 years. The owner, Irvin is a master Mercury tech and can obtain New, Factory Remanufactured or used Mercury outboard motors at very attractive prices. Best of all, as a certified master tech, you will have the benefit of Mercury’s warrantee. A single Mercury 250, or a pair of 150s would be great on the 23’s bracket.

You want a Yamaha, No Problem … Another close friend is a Senior certified Yamaha technician and operations manager for a well know Yacht sales organization. Donnie can also obtain new Yamaha outboard motors at very attractive prices. A singe Yamaha 300 or 250 would make the boat fly, as would a pair of 150s. He and his associates have sold and installed over twelve new Yamaha 250s over the past year.

Maybe you want a “Zuke” 250 or 300HP, or ETECs, No Problem….. One of our other associates, worked for Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MD DNR) for 20 years as a senior outboard technician and now is our John-Zukie and ETEC point of contact. John can also obtain new, remanufactured or used Suzuki or ETEC outboard motors, and install and rig them if that is the flavor outboard you want ….

Bottom line… this SeaCraft can be sold with your choice of engine(s) and setup to meet your needs!

It can be fully rigged, with steering, Tee-Top, electrical and electronics at any level you want… or you can do it yourself. Your choice, I can be flexible.

And you still want $25K for it ….. I can find one a lot cheaper, down south!

Yes, once again you are correct! Go ahead, go south, you can find several, there are a few there now! Maybe you can steal it for $5K, then you have to bring it back home, and then the fun begins. You will most likely have the pleasure to put $25K to $40K and two years into the project to have it look like this one …. your choice. My boat is ready now! Hang a new engine on it, do some rigging and go fishing!

I will continue to post more photos as I take them. The boat is located in Easton, MD, about 50 miles E of Washington DC, about 30 mile SE of Baltimore, MD and 100 miles N of Norfolk, VA. It is on a very nice tandem Aluminum float on trailer, and yes I can deliver it….

“ABillC clear Channel 16…. Stay tuned, more photos soon”
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Old 05-22-2019, 10:42 PM
ABillC ABillC is offline
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Default More Photos of 1977 SeaCraft CC

More Photos of 1977 SeaCraft CC
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Old 05-22-2019, 11:10 PM
ABillC ABillC is offline
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Default SeaCraft 20 Sceptre to starboard of the 23 CC

PS: Just in case you were wondering...

Yes, that is (also) my 1976 SeaCraft 20 Sceptre to starboard of the 23 CC.

Yes, I know she (currently) looks unloved, and really needs a bubble bath, but as you can see, I am laser-focused on the 23 CC. She will clean up and go splash soon.... and is, like almost every other boat I own, a project now, a soon to be play-toy, and then I will pass her on to another SeaCraft(er) ....


PSS.... look for the photo of the 23's stardside with the reflection of the 20 in it!
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Old 05-24-2019, 09:55 PM
ABillC ABillC is offline
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Default More of today's photos for your enjoyment .....

More of today's (5/24/2019) photos
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Old 05-24-2019, 10:04 PM
ABillC ABillC is offline
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Default More of today's SC 23 CC photos

More of today's SC 23 CC photos
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Old 05-24-2019, 10:08 PM
ABillC ABillC is offline
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Default More of today's (5/24/2019) stunning photos

More of today's (5/24/2019) stunning photos
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