Re: Obama's Plans for our guns
Yeah, Your right. I guess I should just take my $13 and go get some more ammo from WalMart. You should get some too cause I hear there's a revolution comin!
Re: Obama's Plans for our guns
Wow! There's a whole lot of post changing in this thread!
I gotta go, Hannity's coming on and I'm sure Don's parched for some more Kool-Aid.
http://lecharters.com '76 23 SC CC I/O '86 20 Aquasport 200 '98 15 Boaton Whaler Dauntless There's more but w/e |
Re: Obama's Plans for our guns
Stimulus package?
Someone please tell me how giving 30 million dollars to protect the San Francisco salt marsh harvest mouse,is going to give anyone a job,or stimulate the economy? This stimulus package is a joke,although not a very funny one.What it is,is a massive spending project to give money to those who least deserve it. This clown wants to build an economy from the bottom up,how do you build an economy by taking money from people who work,and actually pay taxes,and giving it to those who don't want to work. The only thing this does is keep the lazy and non productive,right where they will always be,"lazy and non productive". These far left nuts really get me,they whine and complain how the patriot act is taking away peoples civil rights,yet they would love to get rid of the second amendment,and your right to own a firearm. This same crowd are the ones who would love to take away lots of rights from you. Your right to use a fossil fuel,your right to eat a nice juicy burger,your right to smoke a cigar,your right to listen to talk radio,your right to get a plastic bag at a grocery store. Of course the rights they deem important,are gay marriage,abortion on demand for minors,amnesty for illegal aliens,(hello!illegal means just that).and all kinds of other anti American values. I'm not going to defend George Bush,because he made plenty of mistakes,but this crowd now in office is truly scary.You can bet your life that they will try to take your guns away,any way they can. They will do it by raising fees so high that they are unaffordable,or requiring all kinds of permits,licenses,and red tape that will make it almost impossible to comply with. Bush had his faults for sure,but I felt much safer and i think the national security of the country was better than it will be under B.H.O. This guy wants to talk to Ahmadinejad?,give me a break. That would be the equivalent of giving the school bully your lunch money,before he asks for it,so he won't beat you up ,and calling it Diplomacy. What the bully really needs is a good beating. We keep hearing how the US will regain respect from our European allies. Screw Europe,look what they got for being so "enlightened",all kinds of radical Islamists that threaten their countries,from bombing their subways,and trains,in Britain,and Spain,to burning cars and buildings in France. The truth is that most of the western European countries gave up their freedom a long time ago,and have always depended on the USA to bail them out. That's what socialism gave them,and that's what Obama and the left want for us. God help us,with this bunch in power.
All this,just for a boat ride |
Re: Obama's Plans for our guns
The $13.00 per week will not begin until June and will be phased out by jan, 2010. As far as Wally world, I was there tonight. They have bare shelves. The gun show here in palmetto was absolutely nuts. I've never seen anything like it. I am definitely part of the so called well armed militia. Is America proud that not one senator read the bill? I can't imagine, 1 billion of our tax money PER PAGE. I can tell you this, I am going to really get a big refund this year. Let's keep the tone friendly.
Capt. Brian |
Re: Obama's Plans for our guns
John, well said IMOP.
http://lecharters.com '76 23 SC CC I/O '86 20 Aquasport 200 '98 15 Boaton Whaler Dauntless There's more but w/e |
Re: Obama's Plans for our guns
Re: Obama's Plans for our guns
Remember, it is Congress that approves budgets, and spends money, not the President. Yes he has some influence, but it's Congress that spends.
Neither party has done very well at avoiding the corruptive influences in and around Washington. I'm not unhappy with Pres. Obama except in his issuance of some executive orders. Whether he is a man of integrity remains to be seen. GW was indeed a man of integrity. He unfortunately had minimal influence on Congress and stopping them spending our money like it was, well..., our money and not theirs. This is the first time either party has had an effective super-majority since the 60's. And the Democrats have taken their effective majority as license to (literally) print money so they could spend it. If you go back and read the budget overviews for the last 20 years, you'll find that the Clinton era "surplus" was projected for the future, never realized while he was in office. It was a projected surplus based upon 20 years of continuation of the very high business tax rates of up to 41% AND projected annual economic growth continuing at a minimum of 5.25%. The facts are that for every year Clinton was president, Congress still managed to spend more than the government took in. It was just at a continually decreasing differential that in 20 years would have provided completely balanced budget, have paid off all the governments' debts, and provided a surplus of 400 billion. That's over a period of 20 years. Congress, after 9-11, decided to spend MUCH more than the government was taking in, including lots and lots of pork submitted by members of BOTH parties. Unfortunately, GW went along with that. I agree with Don that the way we address this is not through armed revolution, but through the democratic process laid out in our great republic. BTW, Barack Hussein Obama is not, and was not eligible for election to the presidency of the United States according to the US Constitution. The problem is that even with the requirements stated, there is no process to provide for proofing a candidates eligibility. There are currently over 30 lawsuits nationwide challenging Obama's eligibility, including one brought by four Tennessee state lawmakers, and one by the former Deputy Asst. Attorney General for the United States. The US Supreme Court has refused to hear any suits as each candidate is supposed to qualify for election in each state, making it a lower court issue. Three states so far have declined to issue rulings because the requirements are federal requirements, not state requirements. I know the Florida laws do NOT require a person to prove their citizenship prior to being placed on the ballot, only that they affirm, to the best of their knowledge, that they "meet the requirements of the office to which they intend candidacy" according to the form for placing your name in nomination. Obama has so far spent an estimated 30 million dollars fighting the various lawsuits demanding that he actually prove his citizenship by producing a certified copy of his actual birth certificate. Why do that when $75 would provide certified copies to each of the five major news organizations, and $15 and an affidavit would make legal copies of that certificate available as public information under the "Freedom of Information Act"? So a non-US citizen was elected, and there is no process to overturn the election on that basis. If they try to pass laws that would restrict lawful access to guns and ammunition, laws that would disenfranchise the religious and speech freedoms we enjoy, then that would be the time for civil disobedience and peaceful revolution. And for all you other gun afficianadoes out there, allow me to suggest military surplus ammo and/or reloading? I just this morning scored two 100 rd. "value paks" of Remington .45 ACP 230gr JHP at Walmart for $48 each. I got there as they were restocking the shelves. By the time I finished shopping, and decided to go get some more .45's, the entire case had been sold out, as had all the just restocked 9mm, .38, and .40 pistol ammo. It took an hour, tops, and this was at 7 am.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes. Fr. Frank says: Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat! Currently without a SeaCraft (2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks '73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury |
Re: Obama's Plans for our guns
Re: Obama's Plans for our guns
The books are closed on fiscal 2008. The surplus the current President Bush inherited has turned into a record deficit: $455 billion. That is more than twice the 2007 deficit of $162 billion and beyond the previous record of $413 billion in 2004. But records are made to be broken. |