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Nice job, makes me think twice about raising the stringers in the boat seeing as im about 225#s.Did Wildfire Marine use Gel-coat or did they paint it? |
the boat was painted (PPG "Concept" paint in "Polar White"). If you are going through the trouble of redoing your boat, you really should consider raising the floor. I consider that to be the single most important thing done to my boat. I've owned two SeaCrafts and my main complaint with both was the inability to self-bail with people standing in the aft end of the boat. Now that the floor as been raised, that issue has been solved. Talk to anyone who has raised the floor in their SeaCraft, I doubt any of them regret that change. Good luck- |
Hi Mark,
It was such a site for cabin fever eyes to be able to get online and see your boat after Frances!!! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] What you've done is what we all are trying to do...start with a great design and turn it into our boat! Yours turned into a work of art! I'm hoping to have mine done this Fall! Bill |
Did you paint the hull with the PPG? My painter wants to paint my hull with Concept but others have questioned using it below the waterline. My painter says he has painted dozens with no trouble. Trey |
Thanks for answering all my questions . . . I've only got 2 more. What type of material(s) did you use to raise the stringers 2.5" ? Also what was used for core material in the floor? (3/4" Marine Ply?) |
To both the the last two questions:
yes, it is PPG Concept on the boat. I plan on keeping the boat on a lift, so I really wasn't concerned about the below waterline aspect of the paint. I have left it in for a few days at a stretch with no problems though. I have no idea how it would do long term. Stinger raise and floor material are both marine ply. I am on my second evac in less than seven days and I am not predicted to have electricity for at least another two weeks. I am in a motel in GA right now and will likely not be able to respond to any email or postings on this site. To those who called Wildfire Marine, his phone machine lost all your messages do to the storm. If you don't get a reply in a timely manner, call again after the dust has settled a bit. First Charlie, then Frances, and now Ivan. This is getting VERY old [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] |
Excellent restore Mark.
Some more questions for you, when you get a chance. 1)Where is the fuel fill 2) what is Fantastic Plastics located. I can't seem to find a web address for them. The console door is perfect. thanks |
If you look at the only overhead shot taken of the boat above, the fuel fill is easy to see: it is the shiny round thing on the port gunnel directly across from the console. The rod holders were put in the following day, so the fuel fill is the only thing on the gunnel in that photo.
Fantastic Plastics is on A1A in Stuart. Their phone number is 772.223.8005 - ask to speak to Brian and reference Mark Lewis' 20' SeaCraft that was done at Wildfire, that should jog his memory a bit. Good luck/ mark |
Mark, first of all, let me join the rest and tell you that this a great job, exactly what I have been dreaming of doing since I acquired my boat. I am presently working on raising some capital to restore my 20' Seafari and I would appreciate it if you could give me a ball park figure on how much this type of restoration could cost, not including the engine, of course, so I can work towards an attainable goal. If this is possible, you can contact me at my email, nestorpr@bellsouth.net. Thanks!
Boatless again! |
Mark; I tried to post when you first put the pics up, but for whatever reason, it didn't get there. Congrats, you have eclipsed (big word) any other rebuild I have experienced or seen..!!!!. I should let the forum know that I (unknown to Mark and I) have the pleasure of knowing the previous owner very well, and have run that boat (and run out of Gas at Columubus Day Regatta) a number of times. I am sure Mark found some beer cans hidden in the inards..) I hope to be able to run it again some day...
An unbelievable job that should inspire more than a few folks here. That boat should be in a Museum!. you took an extremely methodical approach to the whole project and I can't begin to count the small details that make it more exceptional...please call when you are in the area.,. |
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