Forum: Recovered Threads
06-29-2020, 02:30 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 29
Forum: Recovered Threads
06-15-2020, 02:29 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 29
Hey thank you !
i believe the WOT RPM Range...
Hey thank you !
i believe the WOT RPM Range s 5000-6000. I know jack about all this so ganna be some trail and error. They put a solos 4 blade on after trying 3 other props im told but where...
Forum: Recovered Threads
06-06-2020, 02:55 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 29
71 SF20 repower to a G2 115 20" to heavy?
Well... I sorted the options (with help from yall) and my plan was the 115 etec 25" with a plate to raise it till i rebuilt the transom but the dealer had a whole diff plan. He had a g2 20" with...
Forum: Recovered Threads
05-10-2020, 11:55 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 29
Forum: Recovered Threads
05-10-2020, 11:42 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 29
Forum: Recovered Threads
05-09-2020, 02:44 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 29
I cant thank ya enough man, ive really been...
I cant thank ya enough man, ive really been racking my brain on the option but as I have 0 experience in this kinda shenanigans i was not sure how bad a idea that was lol. prob is id google it and...
Forum: Recovered Threads
05-08-2020, 07:56 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 29
OK so to get my transom up will blow the next 2...
OK so to get my transom up will blow the next 2 months, how horrible of a idea is it to buy a long shat motor now mount it on a jackplate and come fall raise the transome ?(remember boats in a lake...
Forum: Recovered Threads
05-08-2020, 11:29 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 29
Forum: Recovered Threads
05-07-2020, 11:42 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 29
Do I need to raise the transom ?
Hey guys, I totally did my homework and searched first ! lol
Last year I posted about re powering, I have a 71 SF20 stock but re glassed transom. I landed on running a E-tec 115 ( river trips and...
Forum: Recovered Threads
09-29-2019, 10:41 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 71
Forum: Recovered Threads
09-28-2019, 12:06 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 71
So this would be taking over the job that a...
So this would be taking over the job that a pontoon boat was doing at the moment, I was looking to sell my SF20 and then some family was looking to replace a pontoon boat at my grandparents place....
Forum: Recovered Threads
09-27-2019, 12:56 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 71
Forum: Recovered Threads
09-27-2019, 12:41 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 71
Forum: Recovered Threads
09-26-2019, 06:17 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 71
SF20 repower
I have a 71 SF20 (open transom) that currently has a black max 150 on it. My situations changing and the boat will be living on a lake and run around only a few days every few month so i'm...
Forum: Recovered Threads
04-04-2019, 11:24 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
Yeah im 100% cool with it for now, I got lucky...
Yeah im 100% cool with it for now, I got lucky with the boat Id been looking for a cheep under 23ft that the wife and I could do over night trips on and but could do rivers and coastal diving. I...
Forum: Recovered Threads
04-04-2019, 11:10 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
Forum: Recovered Threads
04-03-2019, 06:21 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
Forum: Recovered Threads
03-20-2019, 11:10 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
Forum: Recovered Threads
03-16-2019, 12:29 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
Forum: Recovered Threads
03-16-2019, 02:00 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
OH but the only thing the 2 shops did agree on...
OH but the only thing the 2 shops did agree on was that the cap did not look like it had been removed lol. Idk why the guy would tell me it had been he seamed pretty admit about it. He had a whole...
Forum: Recovered Threads
03-16-2019, 01:44 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
:D Haha yeah that may have been it. Shop 1 guy...
:D Haha yeah that may have been it. Shop 1 guy just kept saying to many stress cracks and "variables" but no real reasons. He didn't flex test the transom or really anything other then walking around...
Forum: Recovered Threads
03-15-2019, 07:03 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
Hey thats a good question. I dropped the boat...
Hey thats a good question. I dropped the boat off so ill check Monday. It does have a drain hole in it that leads strait out to the bottom like below the float line. I thought it was weird like how...
Forum: Recovered Threads
03-15-2019, 06:56 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
OK Rybones I went to thumping it with a mallet...
OK Rybones I went to thumping it with a mallet the transom on the back had been replaced by cutting the back bit of the cap off and it looks like it was glassed on the inside. Its actually very sold...
Forum: Recovered Threads
03-15-2019, 06:30 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
Thanks I think thats solid advice.
I would...
Thanks I think thats solid advice.
I would love to get the opportunity to really rebuild this but the skillz are not up to the challenge yet, lol.
Currently my only needs for it are...
Forum: Recovered Threads
03-15-2019, 01:27 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 78
Got me a 71 SF20 now what do I do?
New to me and my first post! 1971 SF20, I had been on the look out for an affable boat for years in Sarasota and of course I moved to North Alabama where a cubby would be better and I came across...