I guess the 5200 will do the job,it's strong stuff no doubt.When I did mine,I laid up two layers of 1708 to the inner transom skin,as it was pretty thin.That kind of surprised me,that Seacraft didn't make it a bit thicker.
I then used a a notched trowel to spread a thickened batch of System Three epoxy resin to the new marine ply transom.
We clamped and fastened it into place and let it cure.
I did all the rest of the glass layup on the new transom and stringer tie ins with 1708 and polyester resin.The two resin systems never came into contact with each other so there was no curing problems.
I just had so much rotted core on everything else that i went with polyester.It, for me at least is much easier to wet out the fabric,and work with,and also less money than epoxy.
All this,just for a boat ride