So now that the engine is “done”
I’m going to focus on cutting the keyhole in my transom. This is very stressful to me for some reason. Any ideas in regards to the x dimension would be helpful.
Once I get that done I’ll install my transom assy thank you island trader!
Then it’s on to the engine mount blocks and rebuilding the b3
I’m leaning towards rebuilding it with some good used lower driven gears
And a brand new set of uppers with cone clutch etc.
I’m leaning towards 2:1 Ratio but toyed with 1.81…suggestions appreciated.
In meanwhile I’ve got design plans for a teak engine cover, teak rocket launcher over fuel hatch (lowest priority at moment), cabin to finish (teak bulkheads to fit, cushions, under sole work to do batts etc) and lots of things to wire up.