big pine trip
just in from big pine for the mini season here are some pics.
didn't make it 40 miles from home when one of my new hubs let go. took out the fender, tore out a section of the i beam, gouged my newley finished hull and led to this pic of my 18' in the pond at my house while i drove around the next day looking for another trailer [image]http://i349.photobucket.com/albums/q394/small45/DSC00326[/image] once we finally made it down, it was a great time. posing with our catch form day one out at content the fishing wasn't much...this was our best catch of the week [image]http://i349.photobucket.com/albums/q394/small45/BigPineKey09131[/image] the catch on the 2nd day was not as good but still lots of fun |