Also do, drill holes in the core for excess resin to be pulled into the core.. That stuff is very Porous and the key to foam if to have as much resin soaked up into the foam...i like to do a hot shot layer of resin to help with the bond if I cannot vacuum bag it..this is with using polyester. I do a hot bond to seal the foam and then while still tacky go with a layer of csm mat In between the foam and what you are bonding. Always lay csm against the foam , not the stich mat. So on your final layer of laminate lay another csm to finish off.. So the lay up will be from the skin, 1 ,1708, mat side to hull skin. 1 -,1.5 oz mat csm next , Foam,the Csm mat, Then 1708,1708,1708 .the .08 being on the outside if you want a smoother finish Cabosil and resin the foam with a sqeegee , get that stuff in the foam ,work it in.. Then a notched trowel after ,once done Set your foam and clamp up. Then come back with a sqeegee and clean up the excess, Work the resin in the voids at the bottom and sides of hull. And clean excess off the foam face so that it will be easier to lay your final layers of 1708 on top of foam. Make sure the csm mat is the first layer against the foam core. Then alternate the 1708. Finishing up with the mat of the 1708 on the last layer facing out.. |