Pepper Fish Keys
Dougie was sick of catching catfish around here, so we ran the coast a hundred miles to catch somebody else's catfish!
Dougie festoons his Seafari with all sorts of stuff lasted off on the sides like Jed's Clampetmobile. Usually there's a wash tub or frying pan dangling from the rails too. He does this because, be'in that he a member of Mensa, he don't want nobody sneaking up on him while he's focused on fish'in and axe'in stuff like "What's the relevance of the Theory of Relatively" or "Why do the womenfolk git both their Dander and Hackles Up when you start talkin' about some new marine electronics?" He only discusses that importnat data when ever-bodys got a beer and yur leaning over a pick-up truck bed. Dat's where you solve dem problems - just axe Spider Crab!