floor drains..Two questions
Hi All,
I am the new owner of a 1973 20' cc. Hull and transom are sound but floor was waterlogged. I have ripped the top skin and core out and am all prepped to lay down some 3/8" Divinicell foam and then a new outer skin. Any suggestions for how much of what type of fiberglass cloth to use?
Second question concerns the floor drains. I will be leaving the boat on a mooring with a 2007 ETEC 115HP and need the cockpit to be self draining. The two floor drains that go straight down through the hulls won't work! There is a drain angled upward as it goes aft and through the port aft battery locker and out maybe 1" above the painted waterline. Any suggestions on how to assure the boat doesn't fill up with rainwater?
Much thanks.