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Hi Gents-
I have had Lenco and Bennett trim tabs on both of my boats. The Bennetts were on my 1991 20 Mako and I occassionally had problems with the clear plastic switch/pump assembly mounted on the inner hull wall in the stern. Sometimes it would loosen up and you would need to futz around with it to get them working. I now have Lencos on my 1991 Mako 231 and have an occassional problem with them too. I had to reconnect the wires to the trim tab button on the console because after 12 years of use they shook themselves free. I also need to replace the electric motor in the port tab because "it is on its way out" and operates at a much slower speed than the starboard tab. The bottom line is that overtime you'll eventually need to do some work to either the Lenco's or the Bennett's.....because stuff breaks, especially on a boat. Tabman should be commended on his customer service....I wish I knew of him when my Bennett's were acting up. However, for simplicity of design, less clutter in the boat and ease of which they can be repaired, I prefer the Lencos. |
Just a heads up on Joe's offer to upgrade to the Rocker Switch on the M120. A waterproof Rocker Switch is included as standard in the M120 kit so there is no need to purchase one separately.
Tom McGow Bennett Marine |
If you are interested we have a page at our website illustrating M120s installed on a 20. Here is the address.
http://www.bennetttrimtabs.com/seacraft20.htm Here are a few pictures you might find helpful: ![]() ![]() ![]() HPU in transom area Tom McGow Bennett Marine |
I'm re-installing My Bennetts on the very outer edge.(Toes crossed)cutout the scuppers.They were inside the scuppers before, worked ok but had a lot of spray.Tom/bennett had Me switch from 10 x 12's to 12 x 12's for the stearn heavy SeaCraft.Much better & very very responsive/quick. 20'Ma '83. 2 Things for sure.
Tom/Bennett Will help,& I will never own a SeaCraft without THEM !!
http://www.frenzie.com/frenzielogoline.GIF www.frenzie.com http://www.frenzie.com/custom.htm "Classic SeaCraft" Lures 1983_seacraft_master_angler.]htm My wife and I had words, But I didn't get to use mine."?" |
I had the Bennett 12x12 tabs on my 20''76 Cutty and never had a problem or ever had to fill reservoir in over 8 yrs that I had it. For my install on my i/o model, it was tricky to place the hose fittings because I had changed my transom layout after repower. Will probably install Bennetts again on my 23'3' Sceptre after my o/b repower. (Now having work done raising transom cutout, removing live well, etc.)
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