Trim Tabs with a kicker
Is anyone,or has anyone had a kicker motor and trim tabs,on a 23' Scepter/Tsunami?.The 12x12 tabs with the bent edges were recommended by bennett.
I was wondering if the kicker would be in the way of the tab,or if i could mount the tabs further in,and still get good performance. I have a kicker and tabs on my 22'Trophy,but the tabs are mounted in more,and the kicker is closer to the outside.
All this,just for a boat ride |
Re: Trim Tabs with a kicker
John - I have a kicker on my 20 MA with trim tabs. It's no problem . . .
This is the kicker bracket I'm using |
Re: Trim Tabs with a kicker
Thanks much, Bigshrimpin.
I have the same bracket on my Trophy with a 9.9 Yamaha four stroke high thrust,works nice. What do you run for a kicker,on your 20 MA ? I was planning on getting the new 8hp Yamaha high thrust.Lots of guy on the Great Lakes swear by them,even on 25 footers. I usually troll about 2-4 mph,and the 9.9 works nice,unless it's blowing hard,or when there's four footers.When its like that i'll throw the bags out,and use the outdrive.
All this,just for a boat ride |
Re: Trim Tabs with a kicker
just wondering why use the kicker trolling????? better on fuel???
Re: Trim Tabs with a kicker
Better on fuel, less smoke (if your kicker is a four stroke), quieter, and you can go SLOW SLOW SLOW (much better control of speed). 19" prop at 800/1000 RPM is a fast striped bass troll. Also it's backup if your main engine has a problem.
John123 - I'm running a 2002 yamaha 8hp 4stroke kicker. It's not the T series, but it's does the job (5/6 mph with the 6 pitch prop). I also have an 84 Merc 7.5hp with a 5 pitch big ear sailboat prop and electric start. I had a 150 FICHT on my boat and I can't tell you how many times that little motor saved my arse. |
Re: Trim Tabs with a kicker
well that's kind of what i was wondering how slow do you troll cause i can troll reall slow for tube and worm and around 3.5 for bunker spoon. i don't think my prob is 19" though!!! I would love to have a kicker though. i was kind of wondering how much fuel i'd use trolling because my suzuki definatly sucks it down even trolling!!
Re: Trim Tabs with a kicker
Big,glad to hear that the 8hp pushes your 20MA to 6mph.I'm pretty sure i'll be putting the 8 high thrust on my 23 Tsunami project boat,for trolling.
Finest,I know that i'm one of the few fresh water guys on the site. We like kickers for a few reasons; They are much better for trolling at the 2-3 mph range than the big engine,they sip fuel,they are a great safety feature,should the main engine fail. We frequently fish fifteen or more miles from port,and although it would take a while it could get us back in.We troll eight to ten continuous hours a day,so it wouldn't take long to build up the hours on the main engine if thats all we used. It also saves lots of wear and tear on the main engine and outdrive,and would be much less expensive to repair.
All this,just for a boat ride |