floor to side joint in master angler
I just discovered that the joint between the floor and side of my 76 MA is separated along one side. Are there any easy ways to repair this without removing all or part of the floor? Can I maybe use the boat as is till the end of the season?
Re: floor to side joint in master angler
If it's where I think it is, just caulk the space. That joint is not structural. Post a couple pics to be sure.
Best regards, Roger http://members.cox.net/rhstg44/Misc/...go%20small.jpg 1979, 20' Master Angler |
Re: floor to side joint in master angler
Thanks for the return. I will take some pics next week and try to get them posted. The searation troubles me because you can feel the floor move when you step near the edge of the boat. I do believe the problem is being caused by a large hard T top which flexes a bit in seas. If necessary I may remove the T top until I can reinforce the deck somehow.
Re: floor to side joint in master angler
I had to repair a section close to the front step. Looks like the existing area was just a putty (resin/cabosil like mix)
Re: floor to side joint in master angler
Hoping I can get through the season as is. In the fall I will use an epoxy cabosil type putty and possibly a wrap of several layers of glass-resin wrapped from about 6" up the side{under the carpet} over ledge below it to the gutter. That is if I don't have to rip up some of the deck. I'm tempted to caulk it for now but am afraid that that would be a pia to remove when I try to fix it permanently.