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Old 05-04-2008, 09:06 PM
peterb peterb is offline
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Default Raymarine DX600X - Ducer Issue????

Last year I bought the below 23'boat that came equipped with a Raymarine monchrome FF and a thru hull transducer. I wanted to replace the FF with a color unit and keep the thru hull ducer.

Between Airmar and Jim at BOE Marine I was able to determine that I could get a Rarmarine DS600X to work with a special cable adapter. I got the unit setup last spring.

Between the spring and summer of 2007 it worked great at all depths.

Starting in the late summer it only worked when I was in 10 feet of water or more (plus I could not be moving too quickly).

I had a local marina with a good reputation check look at it in Feb 2008. They said that there was crud on the bottom of the ducer. They cleaned it up and then put protective paint on it.

I first tried it out this past Thursday. At first it did not see the bottom at all. After about a half hour in the water it satrted to work (only in 10 feet of water or more). I tried it again this morning. Halfway through the day it stopped working (in that it could not read the bottom, but the temp feature worked). I was bummed.

Any ideas. Do you think that it is the ducer, the DS600x or a power voltage issue?

I will bring my volt meter down to the boat. Also, I will call Rayamine (to get their take). Lastly, I am thinking of getting an Airmar P66 ducer to see if it is the ducer.

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

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Old 05-04-2008, 11:01 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Default Re: Raymarine DX600X - Ducer Issue????

My first thought would be power/voltage or electromagnetic interruption from other wires, then settings.

You've probably considered this but a couple of thoughts... Resetting the sounder unit to factory defaults. I don't know the unit, but check the manual to see if this is possible. If you don't have a manual scout around on-line. I've run across several in the past.

But first, check the the transducer cable connections, and cable route. Make sure it is not crossing over or running adjacent to any wires or cables going to the motor or starter. Info is easily scrambled by nearby power or electromagnetic sources.

Voltage fluctuations are also very detrimental to transducers ability to relay the depth info to the unit. Make sure the battery it runs off is fully charged and wire connections aren't creating unwanted resistance. Imagine trying to do something on a computer and your power strip is kicking on and off; or that the cable to your modem is just loose enough that you sometimes can't connect to your server or CSC until you jiggle the cable... See what happens when you put a magnet next to your tv or computer monitor... Good luck
there's no such thing as normal anymore...
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Old 05-05-2008, 10:34 AM
1bayouboy 1bayouboy is offline
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Default Re: Raymarine DX600X - Ducer Issue????

I have the DS-600X......the manual can be downloaded from the Raymarine web site. I'd be interested in what cable you used. I have an older Airmar transom mount and would like to go to a shoot through as a backup.
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Old 05-05-2008, 05:34 PM
peterb peterb is offline
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Default Re: Raymarine DX600X - Ducer Issue????

I am currently using an old thru hull setup, w/a special adpater cable.

If I can't get it to work I may purchase an Airmar P66 (transom mount) ducer and glue it into the bilge area as a shoot through.
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