merc black max help
i have lost 2 cylinders on my 89 seacraft 200 merc carb motor,both on the left bank,replaced batteries,filters,changed plugs,compression reads 115 to 120 on all cylinders even switched the powerpacks around without a differance.pulled the plug wires one at the time all had good blue arc. Winter fishing it would not get up on plane till after about 5 minutes then it would start hitting and run fine the rest of the day.could bad reed valves cause the problem? Thanks Les
Re: merc black max help
Sounds like the stator.
Re: merc black max help
In some instances, power packs and stators fail and then work intermittently. Identify the bad cylinders, switch packs and run it in the water. The way they operate under load is often different than at idle in the driveway. If the bad cylinders move then the pack associated with them is most likely bad. CDI makes an adapter for most voltmeters that will allow you to isolate and address the issue through testing. I bought mine for $45 or so and it includes detailed specs and instructions.