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Old 08-19-2009, 01:02 AM
Ed Ed is offline
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Default Tough weekend for Seacrafters

Was running a 60 footer from the Vineyard back to Boston on Sunday and was monitoring the radio when I heard
"Old Blues Player" radio seatow. It appears that our friend could not get his boat restarted on the Southwest corner and needed a tow back to Sandwich. Seatow responded that they would be on the scene in 45 minutes and i continued to monitor the chatter to make sure he was safe. LAst I heard Seatow was on scene...but shortly thereafter I was out of range. Anyone heard from him since?

The following day, I read online that another Seacraft flipped while trying to pull a bluefin tuna onboard. The owner of the vessel and his girlfriend spent (2) hours drifting in the water before they were rescued.

Please be careful and travel with a buddy boat when possible. I have broken down on Stellwagen ALONE and I have also been on a sinking boat. Neither was much fun.
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Old 08-19-2009, 07:58 AM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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...Please be careful and travel with a buddy boat when possible. I have broken down on Stellwagen ALONE and I have also been on a sinking boat. Neither was much fun.
I have broken down alone offshore and waited through the night before help came in the form of a USCG 41'. It seems that the CG thought my radio calls for help were a hoax because I said my vessel was not sinking and in no immediate danger, and wouldn't even look for me until the had confirmation that I was overdue. As I was a bachelor living alone, that didn't happen until I didn't show up at the marina for work; the marina where I was the tow boat captain
The irony is that my first cousin was the exec of the USCG Cape Shoalwater at the time, and was there at Peanut Island/Station Lake Worth when I called for help.

I have never had the dubious pleasure of actually sinking a boat underneath me, though.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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Old 08-19-2009, 09:39 AM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Default Re: Tough weekend for Seacrafters

A friend who details yachts wanted to go fishing as he doesn`t so a month ago we went out. We had a weeklong east press and I thought we might run for Dolphin. We went up to Juno Pier and I put a few dozen Sardines in the well. The Snapper bite has been outstanding this Summer , So I called Black Dog to get a report. Capt Bill said they we all over if you can find em. The vanity plate on his truck is not a Sailfish or Dolphin, it`s a Mutton. I decided to stay in and try to put Peter on some fish. At least some Bonita to let him have fun , if nothing else. Put 4 nice Mutton in the boat , and Peter had fun, so around noon we picked up. The Bonita, Kings, and Pimps had gotten the rest of the livies anyway. Coming back in @ 3700 and the check engine light comes on. 2000 and on again. 1400 and on again. Figured the e10 had gotten my VRO. Called SeaTow P.B.. they asked if I had the ability to anchor up, and I thought of Ron White.{The cops said I had the right to remain silent...., but I didn`t have the ability.} I told them I was on the 60 line 1/2 mi. so. of Juno Pier and asked if it was necessary. S.T. Jupiter hailed and said he was on his way. 10 mins and the radio cracks, that you off my bow Wide Open. Yepper. That was really nice as he didn`t have to do that. I offered him a Mutton as we transfered to S.T.P.B. down Singer Isl. , but he declined. 3 more S.T. boats were staged at the cut. Never seen that before. They said e10.
At home I find it`s only a bad bulb! Seemed fine at the ramp, but not so much at home. 6 mos old.
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Old 08-19-2009, 11:19 AM
Rich Rich is offline
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Default Re: Tough weekend for Seacrafters
Cape Marine Supply
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