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Old 04-18-2010, 11:11 PM
Livetosea Livetosea is offline
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Default Need some info on a 1984 CC Sea Craft

Hello members, This is my first post so please bear with me. Excellent forum and look often. OK, down to biz. I am very interested in purchasing a 1984 Sea Craft CC and know that it isn't a Potter built even though I have owned 2 in the past. I think Bill Potter sold out in 1980 but,my question is; who bought and built between these years from 1980-1990 and does anyone have any idea whether the year 1984 is a good built boat or is it garbage? Any one have any info they could share with a crazed Sea Craft finatic?
Thanks, Mark
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Old 04-19-2010, 02:31 AM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Default Re: Need some info on a 1984 CC Sea Craft

Welcome aboard Livetosea.
The '84s I've seen were tanks. They were built by CSY, I believe, Carribean Sailing Yachts, who have some FL racing pedigree of their own in trouncing their divisions in Ft Lauderdale to Key West Races of the late 70s and early 80s, and in winning Gulf runs too.

I read the guy who took over the company at that time, Dr. John Van Ost, by landslide worker vote turned a union shop into non-union, and they built real fine boats. The designer of those 40+' cutters believed "3 things on a boat things should never be compromised, the hull structure; the rig and rigging; and the steering system." I'm sure you'll find the same philosophy instilled in the 84 SeaCraft you're looking at.

Oh yeah, some boats in any given year were bound to be better than others, and some years over all were surely better than others, but if it has a SeaCraft hull, it probably ain't garbage. Go get it and post some pics!

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Old 04-19-2010, 09:38 AM
Livetosea Livetosea is offline
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Default Re: Need some info on a 1984 CC Sea Craft

Thank you very much for your welcome and reply!
I owned a Potter built 1979 23'CC SeaCraft some years ago and that too was a tank.Unfortunately had to let her go to a gentleman in the keys who was going to restore her,(have missed her ever since).Have not had any experience with the hulls made in the 80's so this is good to hear your information. My I ask, where you read this information on DR.John Van Ost? Maybe I can gather some more.
I am moving forward with the purchase and want to repower her with a new yamaha 250hp 4 stroke out on a bracket. I have big plans for her makeover!
Thanks again, Mark
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Old 04-19-2010, 10:20 AM
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Default Re: Need some info on a 1984 CC Sea Craft

Welcome to the CSC forum.
Your Hull ID will tell you who built your SeaCraft.
You did not mention the length of your hull but CSY only built the 23' & 27' models for one year only

1978 23' Superfish/Potter Bracket 250HP --------

as "Americans" you have the right to ......
"LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of a Classic SeaCraft" -capt_chuck
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Old 04-19-2010, 11:20 AM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Default Re: Need some info on a 1984 CC Sea Craft

Whoops, may have talkin' out of the wrong hole. '84 may have been SIC SeaCraft Industries Corp...
Not sure where CSY info came from, maybe a book about crusing boats
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Old 04-19-2010, 11:42 AM
CaptSeaCraft CaptSeaCraft is offline
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Default Re: Need some info on a 1984 CC Sea Craft

AGREED! long as it hasn't been severely wrecked somehow I would say its definitely a Great SC hull no matter what year...I second "Get it and post some pictures"
I have owned Classic 23 and 18 foot CC Mako's...They were nice but My Classic SF18 SeaCraft is where its at!
Cant wait till I can get a Master Angler!
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Old 04-19-2010, 01:16 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Default Re: Need some info on a 1984 CC Sea Craft

SkipperTee and Bowrider were mad at me for not pushing their `65 19 hard enough. I felt I was abusing the hull. I was wrong. I`m still learning.

This weekend was the first time I really beat the crap out of my `89 Slacker. Really tight, steep, and confused. I think she saw more air than water. My scrawny little butt was sore all day yesterday. I need cushions. They really can take more than you might want to. I still dont want to talk about the Cobia head. F`in reef pimps didn`t even leave me any cheek meat. 6-1, how much faster can I reel it in?

Cheers and welcome,
Now go get your new friend!
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Old 04-19-2010, 10:56 PM
Livetosea Livetosea is offline
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Default Re: Need some info on a 1984 CC Sea Craft

Yes Capt.Chuck,
The Hull ID starts with SIC which means it must have been made by Seacraft Industries, Inc. from what I've read on a chart listed here on the forums as of tonight.The boat is a 23" CC which I forgot to mention. Any other info you might have as to their building code/ laminate schedule, etc. for the '84 23' CC ? Was it very similar to Potter builts? I am just wondering if it is going to be as strongly made as a Potter built? Maybe Im being overly gun shy about it not truely being a classic. Maybe it doesn't matter as long as it's not a Tracker built because, I have heard that they really cut a lot of corners when they produced them cheaply for selling boat, motor, trailer package deals. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Yes to all. I will post photo's as soon as the purchase takes place.
Thanks and nice to be here, Mark
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