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Todays project is to clamp in the new transom in a bed of cabosil
Mrobertson are you the seafoam green/white bottom 23'cc posted on Tidalfish.com. (I'm personanongrata at TF since 2004) but a friend sent me the thread of your rehab and the seafoam green is beautiful. I personally hate the 40yr. old oxidized baby blue and am leaning towards hunter green from the rubrail to the boot stripe. Have to deal with lots of fog here and a white boat is like having camoflauge ; a black, navy blue, dark green you can be seen instead of being run over. Lots of large bass opportunities around the Chesapeak right now. You out there gettin any? The squid & Tog bite is on here. I'm flying in for the week to BWI Monday and may sneak over to the Potomac or the Susky to see whats up.
Hey birddog you get on that squid bite yet. Lets see more pictures of lovely light blue. Remember the two colors for a boat, white and wrong
Dropped in the transom yesterday in a bed of cabosil and clamped . "Thumper" yes the ink hasn't dried yet on the squid bite but I can't find time to go.
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