Originally Posted by pair of jacks
I'm strongly considering going for one of the new lightweight hardtops for my t-top. I'm currently in the 11th season for the original canvas top that came with new boat purchase. It's held up great but now is showing tons of small cracks and it's time to replace one way or another. I'm a little concerned about any added weight up top as it's only a 21 and with the deep v it already rocks enough- what are your thoughts on going with the hardtop as far as comfort (rocking) and performance with more weight? thank you
the problem you're gonna run into,is the "hoop" - where the canvas is laced to - tops with a "skin",or a "cored" hard top,use a completley different hoop - ol' don "pipe dreams" can explain the same thing
you can do it,but it's gonna look a little outta place