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Old 03-24-2013, 09:19 AM
DonV DonV is offline
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Did Conner mention porn?!? As he said....there is NO teasing on this forum!!! Pics are in order.
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Old 03-24-2013, 09:28 AM
Blue_Heron Blue_Heron is offline
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Originally Posted by DonV View Post
Did Conner mention porn?!? As he said....there is NO teasing on this forum!!! Pics are in order.
They're here:

Blue Heron Boat Works
Reinventing the wheel, one spoke at a time.
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Old 03-24-2013, 04:21 PM
65Bowrider 65Bowrider is offline
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What an adventure!
It's a wonderful thing to see you enjoying her, letting her travel once again.
And yes, she does look beautiful ... Nice job!
Thank you for sharing and hope you enjoy many more travels.
SeaCraft:1966 19' Bowrider & 1962 21' Raceboat
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Old 03-24-2013, 08:43 PM
cdavisdb cdavisdb is offline
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That is a NICE album, and it must have been a great trip.

Thanks for sharing.
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Old 03-24-2013, 08:50 PM
Snookerd Snookerd is offline
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Great pictures. One of my favorite trips!
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Old 03-25-2013, 08:05 AM
ct9amr ct9amr is offline
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That is an awesome trip.
I wish I was in a position to buy it when it came up forsale but it went to a great home.
1996 23ft Contender 08 Yamaha 250 HPDI
1965 13ft Cacci craft skiff with 20 Hp tohatsu 4 stroke
1992 20ft Shamrock Predator (Hard Top) 351 FWC PCM Repower SOLD
First boat: 1988 17Ft Shamrock Open 3.0 Mercruiser RWC 140hp Traded
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Old 03-25-2013, 09:10 AM
bilgerat bilgerat is offline
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Awesome! the boat turned out beautiful, great job.!
Thats My dream trip, I hope to do the same with My 25 seafari in a few years
1973 20' seafari ob "old Yeller" sold
1972 25' seafari W/ 150 mercs {under renovation}
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Old 03-30-2013, 10:21 PM
Seasprite Seasprite is offline
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Default sheepshead catch

Thursday was a good day on the Bleu Bayou...Sheepshead at the rigs were plentiful.check out the photo on the album page
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Old 11-25-2014, 02:50 PM
Brett Brett is offline
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Default New owner in USVI

I recently purchased this beauty and had it sent down to St Croix USVI. We are about 40 miles south of St Thomas and BVI and about 50 miles from Puerto Rico. She definately has some blue water runs in her future and there is some great fishing here. Haven't got it out on the water yet but she is still in good shape for her age. Hoping to get her out this weekend but have some minor repairs. The oxygen sensors went out on the engines and I just rigged it with some new fuel flow sensors to take advantage of the nice Garmin GPSMap on her now. Really want to get an autopilot put on her but going to have to wait a bit on that.

The only other long term repair I'm expecting after getting some use out of her is to design a way in the deck to make the fuel tanks more accessible. They can't really be accessed and are currently foamed in. It has one 100 gallon with a mechanical gauge that can be viewed through the deck. The other tank is 80 gallon but has no sender or gauge. Each engine has its own tank. With the new fuel flow sensors I plan on just keeping track of how much gas goes in and once it is full to mark each as 80 gallon tanks. They are located forward and aft under the deck. The emergency reserve will be 20 gallons on one engine. I'm not sure how I would eventually change the current tank setup although it would be nice to have fuel senders on each and a way to make each engine accessible to each tank if necessary. Or would you run both off one tank and then have a valve to access the second? I think there are advantages and disadvantages to any setup but having the ability to switch which tank/tanks has access to would be ideal. Any ideas? Probably not going to happen for some time since the deck is still solid and I hate to cut it up quite yet.

PS. Anyone coming to St Croix send me a PM. She isn't going to be a good single handed boat but that's what the extra room is for!
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Old 11-25-2014, 04:50 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by Brett View Post
. . . I'm not sure how I would eventually change the current tank setup although it would be nice to have fuel senders on each and a way to make each engine accessible to each tank if necessary. Or would you run both off one tank and then have a valve to access the second? I think there are advantages and disadvantages to any setup but having the ability to switch which tank/tanks has access to would be ideal. Any ideas? . . .
Welcome aboard Brett! Sounds like you have the perfect boat for your location! I saw your boat at the local E-TEC dealer several years ago and told Carla about it, who told her dad, and he ended up buying it a couple weeks later! Too bad his health didn't allow him to hang on to it!

If I had a boat with twin engines and twin tanks, I'd definitely want to be able to feed either engine from either tank! Don't know what your fuel filter setup looks like, but I'm guessing you probably have a Racor-type filter for each engine. Most of those filters have two inlets and one outlet, so all you have to do is run fuel lines from each tank to each filter with a shut off valve in each line, and then either engine could draw fuel from either tank! If each filter head only has one inlet and outlet port, you could change the filter head to one of these stainless steel filter heads with dual ports like I did to eliminate corrosion issues on the Racor. It will accept the Racor S3213 Merc style filters.

If those tanks are foamed in, they definitely aren't original, as Carl Moesly never put foam up against an aluminum fuel tank! A friend of mine bought a 27 Seamaster new in 1967 with an I/O. He upgraded from a 350 to a 400 and finally a 454 cu. in. engine before he got acceptable engine life, but he was very happy with it after that. He had a custom fuel tank made for it that I believe held about 150 gallons, and he used to run all over the Bahamas with it. With bracketed outboards, you should have room under the aft deck for some big fuel tanks if needed!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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