Floor / foam remval and repair?????'s
Non Seacraft deck replacement question. I have the deck of my 27 oceanmaster to remove the soaked foam in the hull. when I cut the deck I left an 1.5 lip of the deck intact to transition from the old core to the new core and left the drain channel. My question is after I have removed all of the old foam I was going to glue in cleats of 4" wide penske to the underside of the lip then slip the new core glass with 3 layers of 1708 and 1 layer of 1.5 mat. My concern is the cleats that I glued to the underside. After i glued them in and secured them I put all 230 fram on a few of them and began to delam the underskin where I attaced them. just wondering if I need to add braceing or Was it just me adding too much pressure to a small cleat that pulled the underskin off. any direction with help. thanks