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Old 05-24-2013, 01:36 PM
rayhawk rayhawk is offline
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Default 18' SF with soft transom

Hi Guys, I have an 18’ 1978 seacraft that has a soft transom. I fabricated an aluminum bracket to tie into the solid part and have been running it for about 10 years this way. It is pretty solid, but I have always wanted to fix it properly. I have experience with fiberglass, replacing decks, etc, but am not sure of the best approach to this job. I feel that, ideally, the inner liner would be removed to allow scraping out the rotten transom and glassing in a suitable replacement (what do people use nowadays in place of wood for transoms?) This would allow the outer hull to remain untouched. This is the type of runaway project I would like to avoid though. Is there a solid way to replace the transom core by coming in from the outside? I love this boat but would really prefer a 20 or even a 23 seacraft.
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1978 18' Seacraft 150hp Mercury XR6
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Old 05-24-2013, 01:56 PM
fdheld34 fdheld34 is offline
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Originally Posted by rayhawk View Post
I love this boat but would really prefer a 20 or even a 23 seacraft.
speaking from experience...sell the boat as is and get what you really want!
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Old 05-24-2013, 05:59 PM
Rondo Rondo is offline
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There are a lot of options for transom repair, including marine ply, coosa board, or pourable products like nida-bond. If you do it from inside the boat, you won't have to refinish the transom. If you go from the outside, you'll be refinishing the exterior of the transom with gelcoat or paint. If you don't match the colors you'll have a funny looking boat or a much bigger cosmetic (paint or gelcoat) project. Additionally, once you start you may find other issues that need attention and substantial outlays of $ and time, so the advice to sell as-is and buy what you really want is sound advice if you're not committed to want to attack this project. Good luck no matter what you decide.
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Old 05-24-2013, 07:29 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Transom job is doable by a regular guy, and yes it has been done from the outside by guys on this forum with plenty of documentation and guidance available. What Rondo and fdheld34 said, are right on. If you don't want to keep it, sell it as is.

Numerous guys on this board are looking for an 18 project and transom aside, it looks like a nice rig.

Trailer and motor both have value and the hull is very desirable. Might even find an interesting trade as some look to size up or down. A 20 is not going to be much different in functional utility or space. A 23 is a sea change.
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Old 05-24-2013, 08:32 PM
rayhawk rayhawk is offline
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Thanks for the replies guys. I guess I am just worried about not getting much out of it as it is, it seems like a bad transom scares a lot of people off and really kills the value. I guess the only way to find out what I can get is to try and sell it. For the time being I will just keep enjoying it as much as I can.
1978 18' Seacraft 150hp Mercury XR6
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Old 05-24-2013, 08:59 PM
Tashmoo2 Tashmoo2 is offline
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I bought a new 23 ft Seacraft in 1972 and sadly sold it in '80. I now have an 18 ft Seacraft which I am refinishing. My advice is same as others, go for the 23 and do not look back. They are both great boats but a world apart. My 18 '78 ft boat had any aluminum bracket outboard motor was mounted on. I removed it and discovered a rotted transom. I ended up cutting deck to replace rotted balsa core and cutting stringers to replace water soaked foam. Bottom line is that you might be facing a much larger job if you want to do it properly.
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Old 05-24-2013, 11:03 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Originally Posted by rayhawk View Post
Thanks for the replies guys. I guess I am just worried about not getting much out of it as it is, it seems like a bad transom scares a lot of people off and really kills the value. I guess the only way to find out what I can get is to try and sell it. For the time being I will just keep enjoying it as much as I can.
Keep in mind that folks that appreciate these old boats understand that the wood in a transom may need to be replaced after 33 years... That's why this website exists - to share knowledge and know how to keep these old gems afloat. The restoration your boat needs is commonplace here. 3 days out of the water if you desire. The 18 is sought after and those looking specifcally for an 18 will not be turned away from a soft transom. Know this and enjoy.

It might be worthwhile to post it here for 25 clams at your price and gauge the interest. You might be surprised as there are a lot of skilled craftsmen here who will restore the breed for their kids or own use.

Good luck with your decision and have a happy Memorial Day weekend.l
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Old 05-26-2013, 07:25 AM
Tashmoo2 Tashmoo2 is offline
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Ray hawk,

Was what is the dimension of the front edge of your console to the edge of the casting platform. I did not measure mine before cutting out the deck?

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Old 05-26-2013, 08:22 AM
rayhawk rayhawk is offline
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Originally Posted by Tashmoo2 View Post
Ray hawk,

Was what is the dimension of the front edge of your console to the edge of the casting platform. I did not measure mine before cutting out the deck?

30 11/16, measured at the height of the casting deck, which is about 3/4 of the way up the console. You might consider adding a hatch between the console and the casting deck while you are at it, it is a great place for lifejackets, etc. I even fit a small water tank under there.

1978 18' Seacraft 150hp Mercury XR6
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