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Old 02-19-2013, 09:51 AM
beastley beastley is offline
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True, I was thinking more in terms of kicking back on that bench with a cold one, watching the sun go down on anchor in the bay With the bride of course.

There I go again daydreaming. Winter please go away.....
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Old 02-19-2013, 11:07 AM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by 77SceptreOB View Post
I would think it would be pretty LOUD back there. At least when running on a plane...
Depends on the motor you're running! I have a similar seat on my boat and have had passengers actually doze off while riding back there! Sure can't complain about the noise from that E-Tec!
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Old 02-19-2013, 02:33 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Originally Posted by strick View Post

This is Sierra USCG rated fuel line not more then 3 weeks old. I had originally been looking for the regular old black 3/8 line (teleflex) but WM was out of that so I ended up with this crap. DON'T BUY SIERRA FUEL LINE. So I spent most of the day today tearing out all the calking around the fuel and live well hatches so I could remove them to get to the fuel lines and replace them. Finally by this evening Lisa and I were ready to do another test run. There is less spray now that the engine is up 2 more holes but there is minimal gain in RPM. WOT is still at about 5500 RPM and doing 35 knots. I think I need another prop and since I am not really into propnology I will look to the board for help on this one.

Hey strick,
Sorry to hear about the hose. That sucks. Hopefully no goop got to the injectors. Surprised you saw no performance change with the 2 holes. What prop are you running now? What were you running on your other 20? 140 Zukes on both, right? With its 2.59 gear ratio, that motor should be able to swing a lot of prop but the extra 100 lbs 2' back might mean you have to reduce your pitch and get more surface area; and reduce cupping and rake to raise the rear end some. Don't know what you have, so I'm speculating here.

I think Denny is running a 15x15 ELE4 from PT Props. Logic suggests a strong stern-lifter is in order. I think the zuke is a smaller diameter gear case but maybe something similar in 14x17 would get you up to that desired 6200 rpm WOT. 35 kts ain't bad, though. Maybe get to 37 or 38 knots with another 5 or 600 rpm, IDK... I thought someone else on here had a bracket mounted zuke 140 on their 20'. Maybe they'll chime in...

Good luck Chuck,
there's no such thing as normal anymore...

Last edited by McGillicuddy; 02-19-2013 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:28 PM
Boatboy6 Boatboy6 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushwacker View Post
Depends on the motor you're running! I have a similar seat on my boat and have had passengers actually doze off while riding back there! Sure can't complain about the noise from that E-Tec!
Our 23 has the teak transom door and '96 Johnson, and I've had my friend fall asleep laying across the back deck there. Not really sure how he managed it, because that's a very loud motor!
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Old 02-19-2013, 05:29 PM
CaptLloyd CaptLloyd is offline
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My experience with a DF140 on my bracketed 20SF is 19 pitch would be a good starting point. I have a Solas Amita 4 13.75X19P on it right now, with a light load, 6200rpm and 36kts/41mph. I also had a Powertech PTR 3 blade SS 13.5x18P, my motor was too low, but it still would turn 6300. I raised the motor and had it repitched to 19P, still turns 6300 rpm.

Strick, you have a PM.
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Old 02-20-2013, 01:39 AM
strick strick is offline
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Thaks fellas for the tips. They refunded me the price on the fuel line and pulled it off their shelves and said they would contact Sierra. Doubt they really will.

Denny I was thinking the same as you that the ethanol could have been a problem. We have all ethanol gas here in calif to my knowledge. So that stuff should not be on their shelves if thats the case. When I told my boat mechanic buddy what had happened he asked if I was using the quote "gray sierra crap fuel line" and I said YES. I asked him if he had ever seen that before and he said no but he stated that the inside of the fuel line typically turns yellow and looks like it is breaking down. I thought I'd post my experience just so someone else can avoid that same problem.

Gillie the prop on the little 130 yamaha (yellow boat) has no markings that I can see it is painted over several times. Looks like a 13x 18 or 19 if I had to guess. Wanna go 4 blade on the blue boat.

I have a 14x21 on the blue boat right now so I think I will go down in diameter and pitch and switch to a 4 blade. Solas 13.75x19 on order! Thanks Lloyd for the offer!

"I always wanted to piss in the Rhine" (General George Patton upon entering Germany)
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Old 06-23-2013, 11:52 AM
strick strick is offline
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It's been a few months. Work has finally slowed to a more reasonable pace so I have had some time to work on the little 20 secptre. I am finally getting it dialed in. I went to a 4 blade solas prop per Capt Lloyds advice and now I'm turning a shade over 5800 rpm and hitting about 38 knots. The boat cruises nicely at 28-30 knots. I am still getting a little more spray then I like. The motor is as high as it will go. If you remember the dimensions of this tub it is 48" wide and I designed it for max flotation and it is providing just that. It is mounted 2.5 inches above the keel of the boat so in retrospect I probably should have mounted it 3.5" above the keel and I would be getting less spray when on plane. When running I have to trim the motor up quite a bit to reduce the spray. It is not really that big a deal....there is a trade off for everything. I have a couple ideas I'm going to try in the next couple weeks.

There have been a few small mechanical issues that I have had to deal with, the bad fuel line and then some dirty fuel that clogged the fuel filters, Next was a stuck thermostat that made the over heat alarm go off. So I have replaced the thermostat, water pump impeller, high pressure and low pressure fuel filters the internal zinks and now the motor is now running flawless.

Oh and I had a new top built also

1"pipe throughout. It's sturdy as heck! Here are a few pictures.

"I always wanted to piss in the Rhine" (General George Patton upon entering Germany)
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Old 06-23-2013, 11:54 AM
strick strick is offline
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I forgot to say about the Minn Kota Rip tide 80 with I pilot is AMAZING! with the push of a button it will hold your position.

"I always wanted to piss in the Rhine" (General George Patton upon entering Germany)
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Old 06-23-2013, 11:55 AM
strick strick is offline
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"I always wanted to piss in the Rhine" (General George Patton upon entering Germany)
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Old 06-23-2013, 12:48 PM
TooFly TooFly is offline
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Good look'n ride you got there. You must've "touched up" a boat or two before.

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