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Old 06-05-2014, 06:36 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by brushhippie View Post
I went over and got to see it up close finally and I think its gonna work just is rough but she'll be a dandy when I finish Im gonna add a freshwater tank and I had thought about building a hardtop for it but maybe just the full size bimini like this one.

Ill have to build a dive platform for the stern also.
That's actually a navy top in the picture which attaches to top of windshield. Since top of windshield is about shoulder height when standing, you can't stand up under a navy top unless you have the original version that had a zippered hatch above the helm! A bimini top works much better, but you'll need a clear section between top and windshield to be able to run in the rain and stay dry! If you have the early style top mounts just above the gunnel like the one in your picture, you can brace the top off the windshield which will make it very rigid. A typical bimini that mounts on top of side windshield like they used on later models is very wobbly in the sideways direction!

If you have the galley seat, a 6 gallon jug will fit under it if you have a hatch in the back of it. Thought about building in a permanent tank, but a portable jug is more practical . . . easy to empty so critters don't grow in it, and easy to fill at a dock when there's no hose around!

Regarding the dive platform, I built one out of stainless tubing, teak planks and some SS bimini top fittings that folded up out of water, which allowed me to mount it right at the waterline. They're so easy to get on when mounted that low you don't really need a ladder, although I later added one for the gals to use. It was very light, worked very well for diving and was easily removable for fishing.
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'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 06-05-2014, 11:43 PM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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I am, Ryan.

I can do a transom, but I've passed on several SeaCrafts in the past couple of years that needed a deck. (I even passed up a '69 20' with a running 235 Johnson and trailer that was free but needed a new transom, console, and deck work.)
My fiberglass skills are abysmal, but I can pour ceramic into a transom with the best!
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

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Old 06-06-2014, 04:43 PM
brushhippie brushhippie is offline
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Im actually leaning more toward a hard top as I would like to put controls up top....amazing what you can see from up there...and just do side and rear curtains.
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Old 06-07-2014, 07:05 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by brushhippie View Post
Im actually leaning more toward a hard top as I would like to put controls up top....amazing what you can see from up there...and just do side and rear curtains.
CSC member CsickNick has a nice hardtop on his Seafari, complete with a liferaft and radar, for his legendary Tuna safari's! Nick doesn't post much, but might be worth sending him a PM to get details on his top.

CSC member NoBones has a small tower on his CC hardtop to use for spotting Cobia, but he doesn't have any controls up there. Don't know if he can run fast with someone up there or what the stability situation is. Although an I/O configuration would give you the lowest CG and best stability, the relatively narrow 7'6" beam of the 20' might make it a little tipsy for a very large person up on a tower! I've seen Patti up on Ken's tower, but she's a lightweight! I'd send NoBones a PM and ask him if his tower will handle "Little" Kenny! If so you'd probably be OK!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 06-07-2014, 09:17 PM
brushhippie brushhippie is offline
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Yea the top of it will be minimal...likttle more than a place to stand and controls...Im thinking wireless sure be handy going though tight places.... locks and such.
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Old 08-26-2014, 09:10 PM
brushhippie brushhippie is offline
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Well after a good bit of barter work I got the old girl home today....really the first time Ive really had time to really look at her....deck is solid...controls are lots of mold...the guy showed me a receipt from the local thief who did compression and winterizing last year...just hope he actually did does seem like it s free and the invoice says 100 in all 4...for this fall Im going to replace the bellows etc and go are some pics of a dirty dirty boat...but Ill update as I the plumbing for both sink and crapper...tis a good thing!

looks like alot of the oxidation will come off

ye old power plant

looks like your typical 40 year old boat!


it came with four new seats

and inside here is a new cover for it

moldy but pretty
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Old 08-27-2014, 11:24 AM
flyingfrizzle flyingfrizzle is offline
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Wow that looks like the original trailer form that era, very classic!
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Old 08-27-2014, 02:05 PM
deepsushi deepsushi is offline
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Love the sweet custom single control mount -- is that PT deck board? The galvanized deck screws screwed through the blue astro turf are very Gucci!

Can't wait to see her cleaned up and updated to take on the next 40 years!

PS just noticed the coil springs on the trailer -- never seen that before!
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Old 08-27-2014, 04:23 PM
brushhippie brushhippie is offline
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Yea it has had some shade tree riggin done...but not too bad...several places where somebody used other than stainless hardware and screws...jeez!
The guy I bought it from drove from Belle Vista Ar. to Indianapolis to buy this boat two years ago and gave over three for was less moldy Im sure! But he wanted it pretty bad to go that far....and this is the trailer it has been on for years I guess...pulls really good actually....I kinda like the coil springs....and there is a pretty god sized chunk of that awesome turf left I might let go to auction a little
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Old 08-27-2014, 06:36 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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The Keystone Light can explains a lot.
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