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Old 09-10-2014, 02:04 PM
Brett Brett is offline
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Default Anyone know this boat?

Poor guy looks like he is already out to pasture. Looks similar to seacraft but I don't recognize the windows. Any ideas?
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Old 09-10-2014, 04:42 PM
flyingfrizzle flyingfrizzle is offline
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I have seen those seafari look a likes before posted up here but forget the make, Not bad amount for the trailer and parts motor tho if you trashed the bote. I got several ol boats out to pasture too and have 5 boats or so I would be glad to give away if someone wanted to pull them away. (No seacrafts a course)
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Old 09-10-2014, 05:02 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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I think it is an old Wellcraft Coastal.
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Old 09-10-2014, 05:03 PM
WildBill WildBill is offline
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Wellcraft Coastal (circa 1986 I think)
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Old 09-10-2014, 05:15 PM
DonV DonV is offline
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Yes it is and guaranteed to have structural problems......don't ask me how I know.
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Old 09-10-2014, 08:07 PM
ScottM ScottM is offline
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Appears to be a Wellcraft 248 Sportsman.
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Old 09-10-2014, 09:36 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by DonV View Post
Yes it is and guaranteed to have structural problems......don't ask me how I know.
Don't know about the 80's vintage boats, but I know of a half dozen 70's vintage V-20's that busted up with big cracks in the hull, including one that made a Bahamas trip with me! Our 4 hour crossing in 6-8' seas loosened a few screws in the bulkhead of my Seafari, but it nearly destroyed my friends V-20! His seats disintegrated, his saddle tanks broke loose at the welds, there was a big crack in the bulkhead, and when he got it out on the trailer, he found a 4' crack in the hull!

Turns out that the bottom of the plywood stringers weren't even cut at an angle to match the hull deadrise! They just put a square corner against the hull and then one layer of glass to tab the stringers to the hull! Another engineering friend of mine had one that came apart, so he tore it apart and rebuilt it. He said it looked like they didn't adequately saturate the plywood, so all the resin soaked into the stringers and away from the glass, and then the tabbing came loose from the stringers so they were just flopping around loose in the hull! First sign of a problem was that the floor would flex running over a small wake in the ICW! You couldn't GIVE me a Wellcraft!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 09-11-2014, 06:05 PM
RidgeRunner RidgeRunner is offline
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You can give me one. Another one in fact to match my Circa 1983 Factory production to be sure but what a sweet hull. To each his own. 20' Scepter to a 20' Wellcraft is no camparison on interior space. In fact the 20 Wellcraft Cuddy has nearly what the 23 Scepter/ Tsunami has for cockpit space and that is why they are loved by so many. The little Wellcraft has seen a little of everything in the last 30 years. BTW- No sign of cracked hull or stringers causing hard spots, they went grid in about 1980, workmanship still sucked to be sure. Mine is a 60 MPH center console that I beat on fairly hard. Give me another one and I would do the same all over. Had they made the thing any better they would have gone out of business sooner.. err..
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Old 09-11-2014, 08:38 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Default Well-Crack

Originally Posted by RidgeRunner View Post
You can give me one. Another one in fact to match my Circa 1983 Factory production to be sure but what a sweet hull. To each his own. 20' Scepter to a 20' Wellcraft is no camparison on interior space. In fact the 20 Wellcraft Cuddy has nearly what the 23 Scepter/ Tsunami has for cockpit space and that is why they are loved by so many. The little Wellcraft has seen a little of everything in the last 30 years. BTW- No sign of cracked hull or stringers causing hard spots, they went grid in about 1980, workmanship still sucked to be sure. Mine is a 60 MPH center console that I beat on fairly hard. Give me another one and I would do the same all over. Had they made the thing any better they would have gone out of business sooner.. err..
I think the V-20 and V-17 "Step-lift" were actually Alim Marine Hulls brought up from Miami to the Well-Crack plant in Sarasota in the '70's. They were originally designed by C. Raymond Hunt (Bertram, Boston Whaler, Grady White, etc) and molds were snatched up Well-Crack because the V-17 won the Miami to New York race in the early 60's. (I think it was piloted by a fellow by the name of Hewes) The V-20's were the longest run of any production boat made by Well-Crack. There was demand for them up to a couple of years before they closed for the reasons RidgeRunner states.

I had a V-17 with twin 50 Evinrude's. It started "wallowing" one day when we were out of sight of land. I opened the deck inspection port and the water was about 2" below the deck. I jump in the water with my mask on and there was a 3 foot longitudinal crack 16" above the keel. I scampered back in the boat, pulled the drain plug and the deck hatch, told everybody to get on the bow and mashed the throttles till they hit fiberglass. We finally plained off and I came yodeling through Pass-a-grille and slid it up on the ramp at Gulfport. After throughly cleaning out me wet suit pants, I pulled the console, cap and liner. They had 1" X 12" yellow pine stringers with tabbing turned up about 4". Everything as broken loose and the 1" X 12's were broken into pieces. I re-bedded fully encapsulated 2 x 12's on top of another glass matt liner, put everything back together and sold the boat and bought a Seacraft Safari. That's the Safari that Professor Conner Davis and I used to go "Runnin' and Gunnin" in back when they were changing the Loran Stations to the 7980 Chain in the Gulf and we were trying to capture TD's before they were gone. (1977)
I think the V-20's were built better than the V-17's. Sounds like RidgeRunner got one of the good ones. I was "over" with Well-Crack by then and moved on to Carl's SEACRAFT boats.
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Old 09-12-2014, 07:44 AM
daydreamer daydreamer is offline
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I two also have a 1994 wellcraft v20 center console. It is a great boat so much as this is my 2nd one!!!! I have had mine is some rough stuff with no problems. For a 20.6 boat is has a great ride and you cant beat the flared bow. That said it is for sale now only as i want a 23 foot with closed transom. A wellcraft restored just wont bring the money that a seacraft will! Thats the reason i am looking for a 23 seacraft.
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