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Old 08-04-2015, 06:43 PM
ssscotty ssscotty is offline
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Originally Posted by Copper Collar View Post
The point of going tit for tat is that while my example is proven and the PLD is proven, people believe one isn't ridiculous while the other they believe is. To me that means that this reaction isn't really about taking life saving measures, it's about feel good measures, which also inadvertently mandate a purchase of a product and chip just a little more freedom away from the populous.

Think of it this way, You see a girl at the bar and you offer her $1,000,000 for a BJ. She says yeah, but then you tell her you don't have the mil, you only have $5. She gets all offended.

You already know where her morals are at the $1,000,000 offer, past that you are just negotiating the price. Same goes here and with every other topic of giving the government more power/authority.

As I said before if it's because the two are 14yo, say it was two 34yo men, would we really be having a multi page thread on here? Would we really be demanding PLDs on all boats?

Preciously, it's easy to jump to an over the top mandate without going into the details about it. When you get in the weeds of how to apply that mandate, punishments for breaking that mandate, who will monitor the mandate, how will they monitor it, who will be governed by that mandate, how exceptions are given out, why those exceptions are given out. It turns complicated fast, just like everything else the government touches.
if every time the gov tries to enforce new safety laws and it was taken as the gov chipping away at our rights, we would have none of these regulations in place. and peoples common sense varies so yes there needs to be something in writing for everyone to reference. look back at history, most of these types of laws are usually put in place after a tragedy. maybe that's not the best feeling because we like to think we are smarter then that and should have already put something in place to prevent the tragedy. I would support anyone in this tragic situation no matter their age, etc... yes it hits harder when it has to do with children, I think that's a given. but not an excuse to ward off talk of making things a little safer out there. things only get complicating to people who refuse to understand them...
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Old 08-04-2015, 06:45 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Originally Posted by Trayder View Post
Ummmmm, we live in the same state

What about life rafts, AIS, min electrical requirements? Where does it end.

I know personal responsibility is getting to be a thing of the past but I still beleive and practice it.
I thought your primary was R.I.

If it was just lil ole me who perished, it would have been a blip on the news and a subject for a thread here.
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Old 08-04-2015, 06:51 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Originally Posted by Terry England View Post
Are you refering to Kenny, Doug and I at Sebastian?
We brought home the bacon!
Even Spidey and his Cuz came out fur that!
No I was talking about the rainbow turtles. That was frightening.

They did look like turtles.
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Old 08-04-2015, 08:46 PM
Copper Collar Copper Collar is offline
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Originally Posted by ssscotty View Post
if every time the gov tries to enforce new safety laws and it was taken as the gov chipping away at our rights, we would have none of these regulations in place. and peoples common sense varies so yes there needs to be something in writing for everyone to reference. look back at history, most of these types of laws are usually put in place after a tragedy. maybe that's not the best feeling because we like to think we are smarter then that and should have already put something in place to prevent the tragedy. I would support anyone in this tragic situation no matter their age, etc... yes it hits harder when it has to do with children, I think that's a given. but not an excuse to ward off talk of making things a little safer out there. things only get complicating to people who refuse to understand them...

So you have never thought that the government over regulates?

If these mandates are so good why do they always pass them after a tragedy when emotions are high versus letting them stand on their own merits?

Complicated only to those who refuse to understand? Why don't you begin to address the issues I raised:

punishments for breaking that mandate, who will monitor the mandate, how will they monitor it, who will be governed by that mandate, how exceptions are given out, why those exceptions are given out.
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Old 08-05-2015, 07:42 AM
kmoose kmoose is offline
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Originally Posted by Copper Collar View Post
If these mandates are so good why do they always pass them after a tragedy when emotions are high versus letting them stand on their own merits?

Complicated only to those who refuse to understand? Why don't you begin to address the issues I raised. "punishments for breaking that mandate, who will monitor the mandate, how will they monitor it, who will be governed by that mandate, how exceptions are given out, why those exceptions are given out." :
Safety rules, warnings and regulations are always written in blood. While I understand your desire to have Darwin fix things by removing or maiming life participants too dull to comprehend operative dangers, I on the other hand believe there is a balance in which an organized republic should set standards to preserve life and prevent serious injury through reasonable means including regulation.

Implementation.... That's easy. All boats entering or leaving federal waters will be equipped with at least one form of PLB. If you get caught without it you get a warning or fine. Same as flares, life jackets or other required safety devices. Same folks that enforce the latter should enforce the PLB requirement. Rant away..
[b]The Moose is Loose !
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Old 08-05-2015, 09:17 AM
Islandtrader Islandtrader is offline
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Originally Posted by kmoose View Post
Same as flares, life jackets or other required safety devices. Same folks that enforce the latter should enforce the PLB requirement. Rant away..
I agree with you...simple is better.

No Bones...same as gun control...we do not want to many mandate...if you know what I mean.

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Old 08-05-2015, 02:59 PM
bbh57 bbh57 is offline
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Im onboard with the mandate, And lets add commercial jets to the list as well. (Malaysia Airlines). One of the pilots that searched for the football players said that even a small strobe light is extremely visible for a long distance, especially with night vision.
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Old 08-05-2015, 03:49 PM
Copper Collar Copper Collar is offline
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Originally Posted by kmoose View Post
Safety rules, warnings and regulations are always written in blood. While I understand your desire to have Darwin fix things by removing or maiming life participants too dull to comprehend operative dangers, I on the other hand believe there is a balance in which an organized republic should set standards to preserve life and prevent serious injury through reasonable means including regulation.

Implementation.... That's easy. All boats entering or leaving federal waters will be equipped with at least one form of PLB. If you get caught without it you get a warning or fine. Same as flares, life jackets or other required safety devices. Same folks that enforce the latter should enforce the PLB requirement. Rant away..
So who keeps track of the warnings? Who collects the fines? What do you do if they don't pay the fine? Who will carry out that action? What testing does the pld have to meet?

You all think I am being ridiculous, but I work for the government. I get to see this first hand every week. You do not want this.
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Old 08-05-2015, 03:50 PM
Copper Collar Copper Collar is offline
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Originally Posted by Islandtrader View Post
I agree with you...simple is better.

No Bones...same as gun control...we do not want to many mandate...if you know what I mean.
Gun control, you mean the shall not be infringed, that's infringed upon "for the greater good" with "common sense controls"?
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Old 08-05-2015, 06:33 PM
NoBones NoBones is offline
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I must confess..

At the time I started this thread was totally caught up in the hype
of these two young boys missing at sea that obviously perished in the same!

I to do not like the government mandating ANYTHING on my freedom..

Hence, after alot of soul searching, realize the responability falls on the end user.....

I have always tried to keep everything life saving on all my boats
up to date. God forbid the need ever arises.

Education is the answer. Lil' Kenny passed the Coast Guard exam at
age 10, my daughter at age 12..
They both enjoy the water as much if not more then I do...
Both of them are in their 30's

I took this mishap close to heart, as I did the same thing in Florida at the
tender age of 14, so did Lil'Kenny (but he got busted by a friend
that saw him and called me)

With that being said lets try to pass on that safety equipment is not
just there to be there.. It may someday save your life or someone elses!

Respectfully, and humbly submitted
See ya, Ken ©
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