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Old 02-14-2016, 12:55 PM
Capt Terry Capt Terry is offline
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Default Bushwacker's Friendship

I resisted responding because I had spoken with Denny personally shortly after Pat's death. However, Susie's message inspired me to share this. I may have known Denny longer than anyone on CSC. We probably met in 1970 during my first year of my engineering career at Pratt & Whitney. He was in the performance group- no surprise, right? He was very sharing of information with a newbie, most of it over my head. We worked together on and off for the next 30 years until I moved to SC.
I was on one or two of the Bahamas trips which included Restless Lady & Unohu, but on a different friend's boat (the 23' Formula which replaced the cracked Wellcraft from an earlier Bahamas crossing which Denny has shared in some posts). On one of those trips Denny, Pat & Susie stayed in the neighboring cottage at Green Turtle. In 1976 ,Anita & I ordered our 20' Seafari after a fast, wild demo ride with Denny out through the Palm Beach inlet. That ride convinced us! Not long after Denny & I built swim platforms cutting the teak on my Shopsmith. When Denny added the Hermco bracket, he gave his platform to 65Bowrider. In 2013 when I was re-engining, long story short, is Denny recommended the 150 ETEC. And as always he had lots of techy info to share. He has continued to happily provide comments & advice. When I sent him a SeaCraft hat in appreciation, we became acquainted with Carla & Skip. So Denny thanks for your friendship and may God be with you and Susie during this difficult period. As this site has shown you are surrounded by people who care for and respect you.
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Old 02-14-2016, 11:38 PM
Stickalip Stickalip is offline
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I don't know Denny or his late wife but know that I will include you in my prayer intentions at this time.
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Old 02-15-2016, 07:50 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Thanks guys. Can't tell you how much those replies meant to me during a tough time! Sent link to this thread to my sister; she replied "So nice to see you have so many kind and caring friends"! This is what CSC is all about! Had been meaning to post a reply, but I've been sort of preoccupied and daughter beat me to it! Also just now getting back to home computer which contains some pics I wanted to post. It's power supply has been acting up, so hopefully I can finish this before it crashes!

Pat was a great mom and a good old gal that put up with a lot, especially me during the last few years at P&W, when I started doing engine failure investigations, working 60-80 hrs/wk (for 40 hrs pay!) for about 5 years straight! When you have to dig 'em out of a smokin' hole in the ground, it's a little tough to tell what broke first, and I could get pretty cranky and hard to live with during those times! We would have been married 50 years this June, but had sort of grown apart these last few years. When she had the adrenal tumor about 20 years ago, her BP was over 200 for a couple weeks, evidently causing a slight stroke in the area of the brain near the inner ear, which affected her sense of balance and also triggered her bipolar disorder. She quit going out in the boat at that point because she'd get seasick at the dock! She had a lot of health problems the last few years, so it's kind of a relief to know all that's now behind her and that she's finally at peace in a better place.

We had many good times on those Bahama trips, and it was quite an adventure for Pat and our young daughter to fly over to the Out Islands on 5-6 passenger airplanes while buddy Harry and I ran the boat over! The pics below are the view from the front of the small cottage we stayed in on Green Turtle Cay that was back in the trees, only about 50 yds from the beach. From the beach, you can see a small island a few hundred yards offshore called Pelican Cay that's covered with lilies and palm trees and looks like it's right out of the South Pacific. In the bright sun, that shallow water would light up in brilliant shades of green, blue and turquoise that was spectacular when you were standing back in the shade! The first time Pat looked out over that gorgeous water, she said "Wow, this is Paradise!! You guys can just leave me here for the rest of my life!!" She couldn't even swim when we first went over there, but it wasn't long before we had her out there snorkeling for shells and sand dollars!

So my daughter and I were thinking that it would be very appropriate to sprinkle her ashes out there between Pelican and Green Turtle! Asked old buddy Harry if he'd be up for joining me for the June CSC Gathering in West End, and then continuing on to the Abaco's! His reply was "Sign me up"! My daughter went to high school with one of the Malone gals from Hope Town, so she's gonna try to contact her to see if we can find a cottage to rent for a week or so on one of the islands over there. Also have a friend I used to usher with at the 5 PM Sunday Mass that built a house overlooking the beach on Great Guana Cay and spends most of the summer over there, so that's another possibility! (Last 2 pics are the beach on north end of Guana Cay; last one is of the Moesly 21 Unohu, owned by friend Bob that I made all the trips with.) Denny
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'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 02-15-2016, 11:05 PM
Vezo, Part II Vezo, Part II is offline
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Welcome Back, Denny! Good to hear your back! Still working on the project for West End. Pullin for ya.

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Old 02-17-2016, 11:52 PM
Tiny Tiny is offline
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Denny, I'm not one here a lot. Just wanted to say that I'm praying for you. I'm just down the street, if you need a hand with anything don't hesitate to call me. You probably still have my number, if not I'm going to pm it to you just in case. Matt
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Old 03-03-2016, 08:22 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Service is this Saturday at 11 if anyone local wants to join us.

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Old 03-04-2016, 10:28 AM
Capt Terry Capt Terry is offline
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Thanks Sandy for the reminder to folks. Hope there are some CSC friends to join Denny's Pratt & Whitney friends at Pat's Memorial and to demonstrate love, respect and friendship to Denny & Susie. Anita & I gave our hugs to Denny at a recent lunch outing before our return to Greenville.
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Old 03-04-2016, 09:09 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Nice to meet Harry today.
Yes, that Harry.
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