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Old 03-17-2017, 11:33 PM
Pergo1 Pergo1 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 12
Default 1972 20ft sf new life

i picked up this awesome 20ft that i have seen on my canal for 6 years. i have made arrangments with a local fiberglass guy because the floors are shot. the exterior hull is nice and is a beautiful light blue no paint needed. i am having him do the topside due to some spider cracks.she has a 115 Suzuki that started right up after sitting for 6 years. i might repower with a 4 stroke later. a smaller 4 stroke is fine with me, not a speed freak.
updates include
1 floor redo raised 2"-4"not sure what the perfect height is.
2 topside all holes filled and repainted
3i have a brand new set of trim tabs that have been in my basement for years.
4redo console.
5new gas tank relocated in between stringers and moved forward.
6 already ordered a new t-top form Atlantic towers.
7 looking for a leaning post.
8 new rub rail with led running lights
new Lowrance hook 9 gps/depth finder
pop up cleats
I am so excited about this boat it is the 20th boat i have owned in my life and from what i have read is that her ride will out do them all.
are spray rails really needed? any recommendations?
Thanks in advance?
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Old 03-18-2017, 11:26 AM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by Pergo1 View Post
. . . updates include
1 floor redo raised 2"-4"not sure what the perfect height is.
. . . are spray rails really needed? any recommendations?
Thanks in advance?
Welcome aboard! The only downside of raising the floor is that the gunnels on CC models are already pretty low to start with, so it will be down around your ankles if you raise it too much! The tall coaming on the Seafari cap puts it about knee height, which seems about right. Potter raised the deck a couple inches starting about '74, so you could probably get away with raising it a couple inches. You might consider having the scuppers rerouted to run out the transom with the Raybud check valves, or you'll still get wet feet when big guys are in back of the boat, especially if you install a 4-stroke motor on it. Might also plan on moving console and batteries forward now if you plan to go that route in the future. From my experience with running with tons of gear in the cabin of the Seafari, I don't think you can get too much weight forward in these boats. They handle that very well, but they definitely don't like to be stern heavy!

Regarding spray rails, they're definitely needed on the Moesly 21 and the 19' Bowrider, but the 20's already have a ~1" wide flat at the chine, so my experience is that generally if you get wet in a 20 it's because you're going too slow! However if you can find the vinyl rub rail that Potter started using in the mid-70's (I replaced my aluminum rail with one I ordered from SeaCraft in the late 70's), they have a concave ~1/2" wide surface on the bottom side that does a great job of deflecting any water that does manage to run up the side of the hull when you punch into a big sea! I don't know why TACO hasn't discovered that, but I haven't seen any aftermarket rub rails with that feature.
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 03-19-2017, 11:22 PM
wattaway2 wattaway2 is offline
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IMG.3194 jpg just recently bought this original style rub rail for my 23' cc great people to work with
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