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Old 07-21-2017, 08:28 PM
thealife thealife is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 42
Default My Neighbour's boat!

So I was out on my Mako earlier this week with my parents that were visiting us for a week and I decided to take them around the canals in my neighbourhood,
to my surprise I saw this sitting there all neglected,
I decided to leave him the card below with a nice bottle of wine, I hope it helps
Can someone tell me what year this may be it has an outboard but it also has the vents on the side, are the vents not originally for an inboard engine? or where they just on there for design purposes or to vent the bilge?
What price range should I be looking at for what is basically just a hull with no trailer, the engine looks fubar!
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Old 07-21-2017, 09:21 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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That's probably a later Potter vintage 20' SeaCraft SF, maybe a '76 or later. The vents are there to ventilate the bilge, regardless of whether it's an I/O or OB. I/O models typically have additional vents in the transom cowling aft of the engine box. Some ignorant folks often eliminate the vents when they restore a boat, and then wonder why they end up with lots of mold and mildew in the boat!

Carl Moesly never foamed in the fuel tanks in the original 1960-1970 models, and some early brochures mentioned that ventilation of the bilge was a USCG requirement for that configuration. It added cost but they did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. Potter apparently made the mistake of using foam around the tanks sometime around 1976 or so, although he kept the vents. The inevitable expansion & contraction of the tank will create a small gap between the foam and tank that holds water against the tank, leading to crevice corrosion. Leaking fuel tanks are relatively common on the later models, but my '72 does not have a foamed in tank. I"m still running the original tank.
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 07-21-2017, 10:02 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushwacker View Post
That's probably a later Potter vintage 20' SeaCraft SF, maybe a '76 or later. The vents are there to ventilate the bilge, regardless of whether it's an I/O or OB. I/O models typically have additional vents in the transom cowling aft of the engine box. Some ignorant folks often eliminate the vents when they restore a boat, and then wonder why they end up with lots of mold and mildew in the boat!

Carl Moesly never foamed in the fuel tanks in the original 1960-1970 models, and some early brochures mentioned that ventilation of the bilge was a USCG requirement for that configuration. It added cost but they did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. Potter apparently made the mistake of using foam around the tanks sometime around 1976 or so, although he kept the vents. The inevitable expansion & contraction of the tank will create a small gap between the foam and tank that holds water against the tank, leading to crevice corrosion. Leaking fuel tanks are relatively common on the later models, but my '72 does not have a foamed in tank. I"m still running the original tank.
His trailer is about the same vintage...
He just stops the tires before salt.
Roller trailer.
No dunking.

I prevent.
He eliminates.
He is far smarter than I, but I try to listen, I just don't understand everything yet.
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Old 07-21-2017, 10:10 PM
thealife thealife is offline
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