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Old 12-26-2017, 08:28 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Default Can we get our President to help save our waters?

Hey gang,

I write this with a heavy heart.

The ruination of our waters has reached defcon 5 here.

One of my friends here locally runs Black Dog charters out
of the Square Grouper docks directly inside Jupiter inlet.

Captain Bill Taylor runs this inlet and fishes our offshore water more than anyone
I know. I called him in September 2016 after we all saw the horror on the national
evening news. I asked him how bad things were.

He has had pet snook in his slip for over 20 years.
He said the snook had left. What he said next just infuriated me.
He said all of the oysters on his pilings were half shells.

Nature`s water filters could not survive directly inside a tidal cut.
I felt like I had been gut punched.

I called him two weeks ago and asked him how things were.
He said he was down by Juno pier and nothing was growing on the pilings.
This is a pier in an ocean.

I just wanted to start this thread and get some information and ideas to
help us save our waters.

Nothing is out of bounds here.
The numbers I`m hearing are between 45-50 major projects needed
to restore the natural flow south with a price tag of 27-30 Billion dollars.

Let`s work forward with this in the hope of merrier new years in our future.

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Old 12-26-2017, 11:15 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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As a science student and coastkeeper, I hate to go all left coast Hollywood dramatic on y'all, but if Yoho and all his cronies getting regular invitations to Mar-a-lago don't stand up for Florida's natural treasures, it will only get worse, and fast. Your president doesn't give a $#!+. Niether does Zinke nor Pruitt. Nor do your reps. Their obsequious acceptance of the federal leadership is nothing more than cashing in. What they open for abuse gets paid for. But the payment ain't going into state or national coffers. It's going to the deepest pockets. It ain't conservative, it ain't "Christian," and it sure as hell ain't American.

Water ways are the first impediment to construction. They'll keep interrupting waterways and filling wetlands. Your aquifers are empty. Sink holes, baby. Now you have businesses charging a kings ransom to fill'em with concrete. Good engineering science might develop a system to reclaim and divert water back to the limestone cracks. I'm sure Zinke's already investing in those concrete "reclamations," or giving his neighbors contracts.

It is Ameri-con. It's called Kleptocracy. If you ain't against you will pay dearly down the road via your children, if you are so fortunate to have some. As for their children? God help them, that generation may be sterile if you let the current administration continue the wholesale rape of your resources. Good luck, Sandman. You've got a lot of persuading to do. As some observer once noted:
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” We're on part 2 now.
there's no such thing as normal anymore...
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Old 12-27-2017, 08:29 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Originally Posted by McGillicuddy View Post
As a science student and coastkeeper, I hate to go all left coast Hollywood dramatic on y'all, but if Yoho and all his cronies getting regular invitations to Mar-a-lago don't stand up for Florida's natural treasures, it will only get worse, and fast. Your president doesn't give a $#!+. Niether does Zinke nor Pruitt. Nor do your reps. Their obsequious acceptance of the federal leadership is nothing more than cashing in. What they open for abuse gets paid for. But the payment ain't going into state or national coffers. It's going to the deepest pockets. It ain't conservative, it ain't "Christian," and it sure as hell ain't American.

Water ways are the first impediment to construction. They'll keep interrupting waterways and filling wetlands. Your aquifers are empty. Sink holes, baby. Now you have businesses charging a kings ransom to fill'em with concrete. Good engineering science might develop a system to reclaim and divert water back to the limestone cracks. I'm sure Zinke's already investing in those concrete "reclamations," or giving his neighbors contracts.

It is Ameri-con. It's called Kleptocracy. If you ain't against you will pay dearly down the road via your children, if you are so fortunate to have some. As for their children? God help them, that generation may be sterile if you let the current administration continue the wholesale rape of your resources. Good luck, Sandman. You've got a lot of persuading to do. As some observer once noted:
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” We're on part 2 now.
Thanks Gillie.

Our governor Scott has friends who purchased land North of the Lake.
I guess 300 million in Medicare fraud was not enough cabbage.

The narrative last year was the new homes and their septic systems.
Classic Fanjul deflection as we subsidize their sugar production.

I know CSC is not a political platform and I am fine with that.
My intent is to learn as much as I can and start a new thread on
wait for it.... thespurioustruth.

Thanks gang and Happy New Year.

As a side note I called Black Doggy Dog after Cane Harvey and asked about the

Bill said get out there any way you can. Said he was averaging 2-3 keeper Red Groupah
per trip. The massive fresh water run off had caused the fish to move here. He has friends
in NMFS who confirmed his thoughts.

I said I had not caught a legal Red in 20 years.
Bill said he had not caught one in 20 years on his charters!
This is what he does every day!!!
He is strictly a bottom fisherman.
When I first met him, I had to laugh.
Most charter guys have vanity plates on their trucks.
Bill`s plate was a Mutton Schnappah.

Our estuaries have collapsed.
Sea grass is nonexistent.
Without grass, we have nothing.

Phytoplankton eat the detritus from grasses.

Zooplankton eat Phytoplankton.

Fry eat Zooplankton.

The first time I dove Salvation site in the Keys during Mini Season, I just smiled.
I was watching Mahi fry the size of my pinky. The corals were numerous and healthy.
Brain coral, Stag horn, massive fans and sponges.

Please help me build our case.
I have heard Donald Jr. is a fisherman.
Any truth to this?
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Old 12-27-2017, 09:15 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Default Big Sugar

Sandy, the group “Captiansforcleanwater” in Ft. Myers is doing a pretty good job making sure elected officials understand what is currently occurring after 70 years of Big Sugar discharges across the River of Grass.
The Gulf Stream runs south along the west coast of Florida so when we get a big discharge via the Caloosahatchee it dumps out behind Sanibel Island, fills up Pine Island Sound and portions of Charlotte Harbor and then flows south toward Naples, Everglades City, Flamingo, and eventually towards the lower Keys. The old saying that “the solution to pollution is dilution” works poorly in our relatively skinny water on the West Florida Shelf.
Conner was down at Cayo Costa last weekend and said the Red Tide “or something” had run everything out of the bay. NOAA says there is a red tide bloom down there now - how ironic.
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Old 12-28-2017, 02:42 PM
bumpdraft bumpdraft is offline
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I have no doubt that “big” sugar is a major player in the problem, but it’s been around for a long time. So what has changed? The population of Florida has been growing by leaps and bounds since the 70’s and now its at a critical stage.
The picture of a typical home is a couple palm trees and a lush yard. My neighbor must buy fertilizer and pesticides in bulk, because he is using one or the other almost constantly and I’m sure he is not alone.
There is probably 10 times as many fisherman now than there was 20 years ago which means less fish to go around.
As far as the water quality goes, I hate to be pessimistic, but with the current attitude, I don’t look for any improvement.
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