I made note of this before and I'll add it again for us CS'ers to use to upload pics. This is for the CS site (and I guess the FRP interlopers such as the Mako guys

can use it too [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] ) ... maybe Trayder can make this a sticky or something...
OK - cut & paste from a previous thread:
OK - I made a new user for everyone to add their pics to be used on Classic Seacraft...
Go to: http://www.theboatzone.com/gallery/
and login as username: classic and password: seacraft
You'll find an album titled Classic Seacraft Pics, select that album and in the upper right, chose "Add Photos" . You will get a new window asking you upload photos. Choose browse and search on your hard drive to find the photos (boats or fish - no nekkid ladys or any illegal material ). Then hit "Upload Now". This will take from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on Internet speed. Once done, hit "dismiss" on the Add Photo window. The picture will now be up on the Classic Seacraft Album...
One popular way is to create a sub-album specific for your boat in the ClassicSeacraft Album and THEN add photos to the new album. Also, please keep pics no more than 1024x768 (preferably 800x600). Thanks