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Old 04-01-2007, 02:29 AM
dsherod dsherod is offline
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Default Riding High!

Well, today I join the ranks of the "SeaCraft ride apostles". I took my Potter Built 23CC out for the first time today. Confused seas 2-4' at 33kts and the ride is as legendary as I have read. I know it must have been written many times in this forum, but I guess you have to experience it to believe it.

On two occasions we were airborne and I still can believe the softness of the re-entry. Where are all the superlatives when you need them?

Today was just a quick run and I can hardly wait to add the fishing gear and make a *real* trip.
I once thought I was wrong, but I later learned that I was mistaken.
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Old 04-01-2007, 08:56 AM
oldbluesplayer oldbluesplayer is offline
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Default Re: Riding High!

Welcome, and , yeah, it's hard to believe, I had the same reaction, it is just that damn good !!!

Have a blast with her !!

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Old 04-01-2007, 07:23 PM
finestkind finestkind is offline
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Default Re: Riding High!

seeing you wrote on this Bill, just wondering how well yours comes down??? And what kind of seas you are talking about!!! Also must write this question is not in any way bashing my boat!!! I LOVE my ride!!! I've just had some pretty rough rides coming back across the bay, when that wind picks up!! I'm just simply wondering what kind of seas you take your boat out in and have a comfortable ride before she starts bashing around??? And at what speed??
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Old 04-02-2007, 03:11 PM
oldbluesplayer oldbluesplayer is offline
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Default Re: Riding High!

finestkind - though I have yet to ride in a 23 - hopefully soon at Anclote, and our 20's have less deadrise, the big thing is the soft landing, and it holds true on the 20's.

I have not found a pound, except when quartering into seas, at say a 30 to 45 degree angle, and then you're taking it on one side of the hull, and the design can't do it's thing.

Head on, or running down a following sea, my Seafari 20' is quite nice up to 2 - 3 foot, though true, in the 3's, and 4's and above, you definitely have to power down.

I hear you about afternoon chop in cc bay, have encountered it often, running back to Sandwich, and it can get lumpy - gives the knees a good workout - it's a whole diferent ball game than 6 - 8 open ocean rollers south of MV. Worst case was 5 - 8 tight chop and confused, between MV and south cape, do-able, but not recommended, again, slowed way down, holding just on plane at about 12 - 13 mph.

The King, was Chances 23 Inboard - came down CCBay last years outing with him, that boat just Crushed the chop we were hitting, I had to slow my Seafari down - we're just too light to do what a 23 can do.

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Old 04-02-2007, 09:26 PM
finestkind finestkind is offline
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Default Re: Riding High!

Thanks Bill i was just trying to understand what kind of seas people were talking about. And i agree about the 2-3 which the boat dosn't notice but the 3-4's I definatley have to power down. mostly in the tight northest chop. One more question though what do you mean about the different ball game in the 6-8 open ocean rollers???? Thanks for the input!!!
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Old 04-03-2007, 03:05 PM
oldbluesplayer oldbluesplayer is offline
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Default Re: Riding High!


what it all boils down to is wave period - interval between waves, and that directly translates to hull length, in ability to deal with it - tight, wind faced 4's, with whitecaps, you ride up one wave, cross the crest, come down the back side, and there's the next one waiting for ya, and you stick your nose in it.

Out on the open ocean, south of MV, we were out fishing in my Seafari, and my brothers 23' SeaBird CC, it was 6 - 8' but long slow rollers / swells, lots of period between them, and the seas were otherwise glassy, no wind. Take a look at Bryan A's avatar - now imagine doing that on big glassy swells, flying off the top, with just your tail and motor staying in the water as you come over the top and down the back side, and feel the boat softly settle back into the water - kind of felt like pulling wheelies on a dirt bike while running across well spaced bumps !

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Old 04-03-2007, 10:50 PM
finestkind finestkind is offline
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Default Re: Riding High!

Thanks for the info Bill!!! sounds like fun!! I'll have to go out there this summer and try her out!!!!! Thanks again!! tom
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