What to do at this point - full new deck?
just got this from my glass guy:
Question for those that have done it - What do i do from here? The Backstory: boat is an 84 20SF. It was painted really really poorly, so I took it down to my guy to see what he could with it. In the process of removing the console, he notices the glass is flaking and feels pretty soft around where the console was secured to the floor. after doing some drilling, he finds there is a bunch of rotten wood. After doing some cutting, he finds there is a lot of rotten wood. The above is where the boat was a few days ago. the port side needs to go even a bit further, but wont be as bad as the starboard. That said, feels like there is quite a bit of the deck up at this point (50% if you include the big hatch in the back). So I ask the question again - what do I do from here? its an 84, and the scuppers go out the transom, so I don't think i need to raise the deck. Should I just bite the bullet and run new floor all the way up? If I do, do I need to put a coffin hatch in for the tank if i have it inspected and it checks out ok? What else should I be thinking about from here? Thanks in advance to those that reply. To be honest (and this is probably for to cause a laugh), this caught me off guard. I really felt the floor was in ok shape, so im kinda bummin at this point. Again - thanks for the help. matt
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Re: What to do at this point - full new deck?
I would repair what is there. From the pic there is already a coffin for the gas tank. If the decks drains ok then there is no reason to raise them. How much does your fiberglass guy want to redo the whole deck?
36' Yellowfin 1972 20' seacraft 140 suzuki http://www.classicseacraft.com/commu...ad.php?t=18607 |
Re: What to do at this point - full new deck?
Always, repeat always have access to pull the tank. You never know.....redo the whole deck but do it properly and you will have peace of mind.
I heard it on the coconut telegraph.......... |
Re: What to do at this point - full new deck?
I repeat: Always have access to the fuel tank!
Capt. Nat Chalkley Get the Net Charters http://www.gtncharters.com http://www.getthenetcharters.blogspot.com |