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Its been a long time since i havent been on the forum and my proyect is been on a forced halt for lack of $$$$time$$$$ but Im about to resume the proyect. Today I was checking the stringer system and noticed that they are wood free or wood less or the wood took a vacation and hasnt come back so I was wondering if this is normal on these boats. It has a stringer system with bulkheads all in one piece pre made in the factory but like I stated before has no wood that i can find.
Does anyone have any input on this? |
What year model is it. My 1984 23 has foam incased stringers from the factory. They are about 20-24 inches wide.
Its a 1979 bow rider. It has no wood or foam
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I have a 1970 20cc, there was no wood in the stringers either, apparently for some years they didn't use wood, I filled mine with foam.
My 74 Seafari is only glass and foam
My 72 Seafari is hollow Fiberglass stringers, with a wood cored fbgls support down the kelson.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes. Fr. Frank says: Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat! Currently without a SeaCraft ![]() (2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks '73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury |
Carla could tell you for sure, but I think the last bowrider was made in about 1967 or 68, so if your boat really is a bowrider, it's a lot older than you think! They were strictly a Moesly boat, never made by Potter.
Click on this link to Moeslyseacraft web site to see a picture of the unique 1-piece molded stringer/bulkhead assembly that Moesly came up with for the 19. It was laid up separately and then bonded to the hull, possibly before hull was pulled from mold.
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975. http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z...Part2019-1.jpg |
thanks for all the info provided.
this saves me a lot of work ![]() ![]() |
No need to add foam to the stringer unless you just want some more flotation; the foam provides no structural benefit. The 23's seem to have foam filled stringers, but it's just there for flotation, since the foam doesn't have much load-carrying capability. On the wood encapsulated keelson, most of the load is carried by the glass, so even if the wood rots out, it's no big deal structurally. The stringers in the 20's are hollow, were laid up separately from the hull and then installed about half way thru the lay up of the hull. Check the Boating Magazine article in the Literature section on the 20' Seafari - it contains a very detailed sketch showing how many layers of mat and roving were used in the hull and stringers.
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975. http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z...Part2019-1.jpg |
sorry for my lack of knolage but where exactly do I find this article? and thanks for your help!
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