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Old 03-19-2009, 06:36 PM
jongolds jongolds is offline
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Default Infant PFD

We had a new baby the first week in April and are hoping to have her out on the boat this summer. Does any one have a reccomendation for a good infant PFD?

Here are some of the ones I'm looking at...

I'd appreciate any suggestions you may have.
1973 23' Tsunami, 300hp Etec
Norwalk, CT
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Old 03-19-2009, 08:47 PM
BigLew BigLew is offline
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Default Re: Infant PFD

My guess, and it is that, would be the third one. The reasons are that:
1. It looks like it may be most comfortable. Comfort is not so much the point. What is the point is because you don't want mom or dad or anyone else loosening, adjusting straps or adjusting it in anyway that could result in your papoose slipping out of it at the wrong time.

2. It will float her face up with head support; an absolute must. The crotch strap is seriously important. Anyone in a vest who goes in the water and holds their arms up to wave for help, reach for mommy or anything else will slip out the bottom if it not proper adjusted in general and has a worthwhile crotch strap.

3. The second appears that the arm and head openings (important) are a little bigger than they might be, other than that # 2 would be my first choice because of the head floatation.

4. The first one just doesn't look at all comfortable. We sold them at WM and the floatation blocks were so thick the the babies couldn't hold anything in two hands because they couldn't get their arms around the floatation.

If I may make a suggestion or two, Make sure you try it on before you buy it or be sure you can return for what ever reason, if you don't like the fit. The other thing is acclimate the angle to the vest at the pool both in terms of being in the water with it on and wearing for an extended period of time. Also, buy a lighter color because the dark color absorbs a lot of heat and added to 5/8's to 3/4 inch of insulation, she's going to need all the cooling she can get!

Good luck to Mom, Dad and your gift from God!
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Old 03-19-2009, 11:05 PM
Briguy Briguy is offline
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Default Re: Infant PFD

.73. IMO the cheapest one is the best. Most of the time a child under 1 will spend the entire time in their stroller on the boat with the shade up (and brakes on) Kids also outgrow their pfd's every 6 months so unless you have money to burn use the vest they sell at wally world or worst marine. wm or wm.
Capt. Brian

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Old 03-19-2009, 11:51 PM
MoBill MoBill is offline
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Default Re: Infant PFD

Congratulations on your new addition. As a parent of a five and four year old, my children have always preferred the neoprene vests. I was in our local Sams Club yesterday and they were selling O'Brian neoprene infant vests (with head support) for under $8.00. I picked up a couple for baby presents. They are dark gray. I would recommend either a bright colored vest or affixing a bright colored reflective tape to a darker vest.
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Old 03-20-2009, 02:13 PM
jongolds jongolds is offline
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Default Re: Infant PFD

Thanks, No way is the stroller coming on board but I agree, we expect her to sleep more or less the whole time. At least that's what we're hoping. That's why I was leaning towards neoprene, for comfort. I'm just worried that "up to 30lbs" means it will be way too big for 15lbs. With any luck, this will be used by more than one kid so I'm not too worried about the fact that she'll outgrow it quickly. I just want it to be comfortable. She's gotta love coming out on the boat and it has to be easy to bring her.

I don't want to have the boating season ruined beacause I bought a vest that chafes.
1973 23' Tsunami, 300hp Etec
Norwalk, CT
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Old 03-21-2009, 10:35 PM
Tiny Tiny is offline
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Default Re: Infant PFD

We have a little girl, she just turned two. (another one, a boy coming in 7 weeks )

For us, we prefer the neoprene vest types, all jackets are uncomfortable when the child is sitting or laying as the head floating part is always in the way, because it's huge! During the summer keep em wet (the kid), otherwise they get hot!

We ALWAYS take the bouncer, even though our daughter is two...she sits in it most of the time (when she sits) and it takes up a lot less space than the stroller, they are great for them to sleep in...if you get that lucky.

Side note: Our trips used to last all they last three maybe four hours...unless we get a sleeper, then we can squeeze a few more hours out.

My wife loves to fish...boy am I lucky.

Just my two cents.
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Old 03-22-2009, 02:58 PM
jongolds jongolds is offline
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Default Re: Infant PFD

Thanks for the advice. We just picked up a neoprene one for up to 30lbs. It's still pretty big on her but hopefully it will fit by June. I haven't been able to find anything smaller.
1973 23' Tsunami, 300hp Etec
Norwalk, CT
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Old 04-01-2009, 01:34 PM
PipeDreamsMarine PipeDreamsMarine is offline
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Default Re: Infant PFD

I'm gonna go with Tiny on a few of his points...

keep'm wet when the jacket is on.. they will get hot.

Just remember this, the jackets are designed to quote keep there heads up and roll them to their backs. Most jackets don't do this. But they will give you enought time to get to them. Don't let them float around thinking the jacket will roll them to their backs. We tested this(very close to our son) it didn't roll him over and I tried alot of differant jackets(poor son..he's fine). they will hold them up.

Make sure you clean the Neo jackets everytime you get them wet, because in salt water the salt dries in them and will chafe the kiddos the next time you use it. Pull a reef shirt or rash guard t on them, helps keep them warm and cuts down on the chafing.

The 0 to 30 will be fine for her. My son wore it first and now his sister wears it and last year she was only 15 pounds at 16 months and she was great in it.. see the pic

Don Battin
Pipe Dreams Marine
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Old 04-01-2009, 07:39 PM
jongolds jongolds is offline
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Default Re: Infant PFD

thanks for the good advice, especially the new tips on the neoprene and rash guard. We'd planned to test it out before taking her on the boat as well. I'm disappointed to hear about the performance you found though. Obviously if we're around we're not going to let her float with her face in the water waiting for the vest to work but what if we're incapacitated.

I was also kind of hoping that with the shade of a hardtop, getting too hot wouldn't be a problem. It sounds like that might not be the case.
1973 23' Tsunami, 300hp Etec
Norwalk, CT
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