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Old 04-11-2010, 11:51 PM
CaptSeaCraft CaptSeaCraft is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Santa Barbara,Ca
Posts: 84
Default My 1979 18ft. SeaCraft Center Console

I am looking for the original SeaCraft emblem for my SeaCraft Fishing Boat.Isthere anywhere I can go to buy this and I also need The Passenger plate since mine is getting illegible.
I have owned Classic 23 and 18 foot CC Mako's...They were nice but My Classic SF18 SeaCraft is where its at!
Cant wait till I can get a Master Angler!
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Old 04-12-2010, 01:34 AM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Default Re: My 1979 18ft. SeaCraft Center Console

Hey Capt,
Major score on that 18 and welcome aboard. Tell me, was that the boat selling on e-bay down in PB last fall? If so you are a lucky winner. That baby was solid. You've really decked it out! Are you in SD? I have 1 set of vinyl SeaCraft logos that won't need. Let me know if you want it. As far as the plates go, here's a current link for placing some orders...catch is at least 12 need to be made at a time...

there's no such thing as normal anymore...
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Old 04-13-2010, 12:34 AM
CaptSeaCraft CaptSeaCraft is offline
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Location: Santa Barbara,Ca
Posts: 84
Default Re: My 1979 18ft. SeaCraft Center Console

Hello mcGillicuddy.
The story behind this boat is quite good.My Uncle Dave...DBA Peninsula Yacht Sales at Channel Islands Marina has been selling and running fishing boats for 40+ plus years.One of his cronies told us about a center console boat in Arroyo Grande that had once been a ranger boat.The man that owned it had cleaned it up some and was getting it ready to fish Albacore out of Morro Bay a few years ago when he had a heart attack,grounding him from doing any vigorous activity(like albi fishing).The boat sat for 2+ years before we got wind of it.I could not afford to take it on and we really did not even know what it was so we fished last year on uncles 20ft. Mako(I have owned 2 Mako's prior to the SeaCraft 18 & 22ft.).In August My Uncle went to scout deer country up there and stopped in on his cronies friend to see the boat.He immediately loved the beautifull lines but it needed everything...except paint.He was offered the boat for 2000.00 as is.That was it.He wrote a check,hooked it up,filled the tires with air and headed home.On the way he called and asked if he could stop by my place here in Montecito to take a break.I of course said OK and was waiting on the porch when he pulled in.I was laughing as he pulled up because I had a feeling he had something up his sleeve all along.I immediately jumped aboard and saw all the moss and leaves that were stuck to everything because it had been under a Oak tree or something for so long and said I was shocked he would have bought himself such a project......Thats when he said it was for me and handed me the pink slip.My SeaCraft is a gift from Him and my Deceased Grandfather.The money came from his estate account and my uncle was always looking for something to get me with my share since my Grandfather and I were very close.Thats when it all began.I cant even began to tell you how much I love this Boat.I work on it every chance I get.Its taken me 6 months to transform it into a Fishing Machine!It is so incredible on the water and with its 85' Johnson V4 VRO 90hp it gets me to the fishing grounds saftly and in no time!So there's the story on this one.If PB meant Pacific Beach I dont believe it to be the same boat.Sounds like it was a nice one too!
Thank you for the Emblem offer.I would like them.How much do you want for them?
My e-mail is o m if you want to send me a note.
Thanks for writing!
I have owned Classic 23 and 18 foot CC Mako's...They were nice but My Classic SF18 SeaCraft is where its at!
Cant wait till I can get a Master Angler!
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