It seems that Craig's list got a case of the black azz
and sued Jaxed Mash for helping those morons in promoting their web site... No more national search on CL... What a bunch of idiots!! Aug 26, 2011 20:26:27 : Craigslist sends C&D to jaxed.com By: jaXed The jaXed Mash has been presented with a "CEASE AND DESIST UNLAWFUL MISUSE OF CRAIGSLIST" from attorneys representing Craigslist. In the C&D, The jaXed Mash was cited for violating the Craigslist Terms of Use. Cragislist has demanded that The jaXed Mash remove all Craigslist listing titles, and cease to index Craigslist listings in the future. At this time, we are removing all Craigslist links from The jaXed Mash. We know most of you come here specifically to search for stuff nationwide in the US and Canada. It is unfortunate that we will not be able to offer Craigslist as a source of data any longer. The next few days and weeks we will be looking at merging new sources of data into The jaXed Mash. It makes sense to find smaller niche sites and forums and work with those sites to bring their listings to The jaXed Mash. If you know of any sites that you would like The jaXed Mash to index, drop us a line via Email, Facebook or Twitter (@jaxed). See ya, Ken
See ya, Ken © |
Re: Jaxed...
Yeah i sent them an email and told them they suck...
Re: Jaxed...
Stupid...... they got craiglook too.....
****************************** Craiglook reveals the following pop up disclaimer: Dear Craiglook users, Craiglook.com has been shut down by demand of Craigslist.org The site has now moved to CLAz.org I have also complied with Craigslist.org request and removed all RSS feeds and links to craigslist.org from the new website. I am extremely grateful to you all who keep the site running with your great ideas and feedback. I will try my best in reaching to Craigslist to see if there is a way for Craiglook to work out a resolution for legal claims that they have pointed out.
http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/d...t/0a21e0b9.jpg |
Re: Jaxed...
I dont understand why?
Re: Jaxed...
I concur, they are knuckleheads... Whole CL mantra was bring people together and get the hell out of the way... guess their prostitution racket got in the way of their marketing gains and they've got to retain what they can. To bad - jaXed sure saved a lot of overly specific location searches.
there's no such thing as normal anymore... |
Re: Jaxed...
I use this search tecnique on google to bybass the Craigslist location limitations.
Use the following format in google: type the following: "site:webiste.com your search criateria here" example: "site:craigslist.org 23 seacraft" I've been doing this for years with good results. You can also install Google Chrom and use the Craiggers page for similar search results. |
It didn't pick everything up anyway. I always used to find more stuff going to individual locales on CL for various items.
Thank goodness that in the scheme of things you are broke, powerlesss and inconsequential, because with the shortsighted alternatives and idealogy you have you'd be much worse than those you complain about. |
Blue Heron Boat Works Reinventing the wheel, one spoke at a time. |
CL sould just create a national search